WTF is my Brick DVD?? Gorram!

Sep 13, 2006 21:55

Dude, what is with LJ?  It's deader than JKR's inspiration when she thought up HBP.  I thought the deadness was due to summer, but now it's September and still dead.  I'm starting to think it's a permanent thing.  Or maybe it's an omen that I need to obtain a life.

So our stuff came today.  My desk is still half-missing. My dad called the shipping dudes and apparently it was in stock, so it went missing somewhere between Salinass and here.  LKDJFAKD;JLK Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. In other news, I got a new monitor today, so I should be able to set up the PC soon!  Ironically I actually kinda prefer using the laptop b/c my PC has been all florked-up lately and I probably need to repair windows, but the PC has that massive hard drive with all my musica and video clips.  Oh, the dilemma!  I'm too tired to set up the pc tonight, so I shall play with my shiny new monitor tomorrow. :p

You know what is scaring me?  I'm so bored and disillusioned from the job hunt that school's starting to look not so bad... if I could only decide what I should take.  I'm not all that excited about school but hey, it's something to do.  And I usually get pretty involved... I join clubs and usually find an on-campus job.  I also often take a P.E. class like fencing or yoga since I like to stay in shape, and it's a little more fun than just sweating on a Stairmaster.  If only I didn't have to do the class part. :p  I'm so not excited about taking grad English lit courses. Bleh!  But what to take?  I'm still thinking about history courses, although I don't know why I would want to do that except I am a history geek and really enjoy it.  Or I could take something computer-related... since I'm a computer geek anyway, it might help me find a job.

I think I'm turning British. Like that '80s song Turning Japanese.  I was working on my DW fic and bugging bekki_beekeeper about Britpicky stuff between bouts of Tennant perving like slang words and whatnot.  I want to write my fic as authentically British as I can, including the prose, although I admittedly use American spelling--sorry Brits, but it's so ingrained in me to write "color" instead of "colour" and such and besides, my MS Word spell check is set to American English.  And you must all think I'm insane right now, n'est-ce pas?

Dude, I totally said "chav" yesterday.  In reference to Britney.  I'm turning into a Brit!  I blame you lot on MSN! :p

I wish I could use smilies in Deepest Sender.  There's gotta be an LJ client that lets you use smilies other than LJ hook, isn't there?  *looks around*

doctor who, rl stuff, writing

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