Writing talk and Chapter Two! W00t!

Sep 12, 2006 01:12

Thank BOB our furniture arrives tomorrow (it better!)  I'm not sure how much longer my back can take this, especially since I've been on a writing binge.

I'm just churning out this Who!fic like
fanficrants  churns out wank.  I'm already on Chapter Four!  I love it when get all inspired like this.  I'm thinking I'm just gonna go with it and wait till I run out of steam before rewriting Chapter One and posting it to
time_and_chips and Teaspoon.  *is nervous* Dude, this fic is going to pop my DW writing cherry, so I'm having some pre-posting jitters.  So then I get all perfectionist and keep rewriting and take fotever to actually post anything.  Grr.

So for now, y'all can have at Chapter Two.  You guys don't mind being my betas, do you?  I kinda like this system... I get a lot of great suggestions and you guys see my fic before the masses. :)  Well, as long as you don't mind getting my first draft! :p

Oh, and for the record, my new fic comm is
tehpretty in case you're wondering.  Not all of my fic is up there yet, but my newest stuff is.

I was curious about something, for all you writers on my flist... do you prefer to post your chapters as you write them, or do you write the whole fic first and then post the chapters?  I kinda do a mix of both... I like to be a few chapters ahead of what I post, so I have time to go back and do a rewrite if I need to.  I'd love to write the whole thing first but I just don't have the patience. :-/

OK well, time for me to get some good angsting on in my fic before I hit the hay.  Later, dudes!

doctor who, writing

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