In which I utter the utmost sacrilege tever (and some rambling on random topics)

Sep 15, 2006 00:10

Ugghhhh so flooking bored.

I'm about to do some more work on my DW fic, but a little blah b/c of plot stuff... I'm totally writing the scientific part out of my ass, so I hope y'all don't care too much.  It seems to make sense to me, but ya know, I'm not a real expert at such things... and seeing as I've only posted two chapters and not pimped it at all, I'm sure you all have no clue whatsoever what I'm talking about.  But trust me on this.  I've never been really big on plot... I love to write a story with a good plot, but I suck at plotting.  Does that make sense? LOL.  I seldom do. :p

Man, I love this fandom and this ship so much.  I haven't enjoyed writing a fic this much since my first Smallville fic, Tapestry... I miss that.  That feeling of enthusiasm and just totally throwing yourself into a story, ya know?

The world is going to come to an end b/c I told dreams_unbared that Ten gets me hotter than Kal on Smallville.  *GASP* NO WAI!   But he does.  Someone back me on this! :p

The house is still a mess of boxes, and I was a lazy arse today and didn't do much but unpack my PC.  Gotta love my priorities.  I suppose I should get down and dirty with it tomorrow. :-/

So yeah, I have nothing else to add b/c today was so BORING.  Bah.

*finds someone on AIM or MSN to bother*

doctor who, rl stuff, writing, smallville, boredom

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