So, we've finally had rain! And we came home yesterday after a week away to find our bottom tank was brimmed full, so the new guttering down the NE side of the house is working, so, that is yay. I think our lovely little Japanese maple is going to pull through, our lilacs are happy again, and the sage has bounced back with a vengeance. The only thing that looks really sad is the Elder, which is absolutely fine, seeing as we planted it and it grew and then we discovered it had ABSOLUTELY NO SCENT, making it utterly useless for cookery/brewing purposes, so it was just taking up valuable space in the tiny garden. I'm going to hack it back and dig it up, and hopefully score some suckers from a neighbour, who apparently has a whole thicket of it at home that's scented and lovely. Also, the roses and honeysuckle and hedge need major pruning, AGAIN. Plz send self-pruning plants, it's all I ever seem to do. Also, potatoes need planting, while the ground is still soft.
Yeah, a week away, which was fun but full of planning/organisational fail. We stayed about three days longer than we'd planned, which on the one hand was nice, but on the other was kind of stressful.
My kitchen is buried somewhere under all these dirty dishes, I know.
I have updated both my Avengers reclist and my White Collar reclist. I went to update the 221b Delicious archive only to discover that not only has Delicious done yet another HIDEOUS REMODEL, but Livejournal was refusing to load, so, I had nothing to work from. So I'm blogging instead, and I'll go back to that later.
The new Ben Folds Five album is one of my new favourite things ever. Even if you're ambivalent about Ben Folds Five, you should watch
their music video with the Fraggles, because it's super fun. I just ripped my original edition of Whatever and Ever Amen, which I'm planning on listening to next. I heard that the 2005 remastered version removes the chatter between tracks, which I have to say is one of my favourite things about the original. I mean, this is a genuine garage album, that these three guys recorded in a house in North Carolina with only three production crew. I like the comments and the bitching and the occasional ambient noises. It just makes it more real, for me.
I've knit most of a vest, for me. It's like a pastel rainbow vomited up a garment; it's amazing. I used a bunch of Panda Zoomy yarn I had in my stash from years ago. And I didn't have even amounts of the colours, so there's a super short green row, and I ran out of pink about eight stitches short of a full row, and just joined the purple/blue there, so it's construction-wise a bit of a mess, but I'm happy with the look and the fit, and it's really nice and warm. I'm doing a DC border around all the raw edges because I didn't feel like picking up several hundred stitches for a kint one. I'll probably end up buying KnitPro Symphonie rainbow toggles to close it with, because nothing about this project is subtle, at all. It started out, I'll admit, as a project for a handmade weighted vest. I don't know if I'll end up sewing pockets or pouches for weights, or just use it as an outer garment I put on over some kind of weighted belt structure. I know that the horseshoe shaped linseed heat pack Emma got given for Christmas by Jackie works really well, and it's stable and doesn't slip off once it's on, so maybe I'll just make up a couple of those myself and the vest can go on over.
I never said; our JBL Playup speaker finally arrived, after Emma harassed the Telstra people some more. They had tried, again, to send it to that other address. SO MUCH FAIL.
But yeah, he's black, which I expected, even though there was yellow available, but he's awesome, and his sound quality is great, and we can sync him to anything Bluetooth, so, either of our phones, depending on which has more charge at any given time. And he's called Tony, because of (obvious) reasons.
(He's sitting on the aforementioned rainbow vomit vest, there. And yes, that blue ring of light is glowing through the neoprene cosy he came with. The only way it could be more perfect is if there was a decal for a classic rock band on there.)
So, I have Tony, who's all about being loud and vocal, who's hooked up to JARVIS, my phone, who's the real brains of the operation.
Planned watching for the week - Iron Man: Armored Adventures, because I'm not having anxiety attacks about that, yet. White Collar might have to wait until after the finale has aired, because all the self-spoiling in the world doesn't seem to be helping, there. I need to catch up on Cabin Pressure and The Unbelievable Truth, and I want to rewatch the Season 6 episode Gum Drops from CSI, now that I have all the CSI ever. I also borrowed early X-Files seasons from
lefaym, so digging back into fandoms of mine from when I was fifteen is in my future.
I wrote a list of potential ideas for squares of my trope-bingo card, so writing is hopefully in my future, too.
I'm going to try to be eating healthily again, since I... really haven't for about three months. If the cooler weather holds, I might start walking again, since there was no way I could during the heat waves of the past couple of months. Definitely by Autumn, anyway.
And yeah, blogging/commenting more is another thing I've failed at, so that's up there with goals.
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