In a separate post because, y'know, don't want to dilute the awesome of the previous one.
Had been antsy all afternoon. Felt keyed up, wished I could try for a nap but couldn't because the house was full of people. Couldn't eat, even though I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Now, this wasn't anticipation of the film or anything, this was just generalised anxiety.
Got to the cinema, found our seats, sat and waited through the pre-crap, until the first film trailer started, and it was for something about terrorism, I don't know what, with some voiceover about the hopelessness of circumstance, with all these bleak images and... I had to get out of there. So, as calmly as I could, I took myself off to the loo, knowing that by the time I'd finished, the trailer would be over. It was. I asked Emma as calmly as I could for one of my anxiety pills, took that. Put my cuffs on, and spent the next ten minutes or trying to Calm The Fuck Down. By the time the movie proper got going I was better than I had been and then I got into it and I relaxed enough and enjoyed it, and that was all good.
But now I'm at mum's place, and it's 2:30am and I'm really hoping I can relax enough to sleep because I have a massive fucking drive home tomorrow and we really could do without stretching this trip out by an extra day just because I stay awake all night. Makes me wish I still had some of my Valium script left, that didn't knock me out or anything but it might have made me marginally less on edge.
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