I loved it. I mean, I know there diversions from canon, and lots of added exposition from the appendices and other Tolkien canon, but I loved it all. (I never knew the origins of Thorin's name! Was so thrilled at that added detail.)
I know not everyone's happy about it, but when you're dealing with something as iconic as Tolkien, that's always going to happen, anyway, so I was willing to suspend judgement until I saw it, and now that I have, I am satisfied.
And I saw it in 2D, and loved the look of it, and I only got made slightly wobbly in my seat by one particular camera swoop in the whole thing.
And the music, my god, the music was beautiful. Enough hints of the familiar from the first three films, but with added threads of new stuff. The dwarves' song that made my hair stand on end when I saw the trailer so many months ago was woven through the soundtrack like a beautiful, haunting ribbon.
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