
May 02, 2012 14:44

It seems that these days I often can't post a comment on a comm or a journal on LJ with a link in it without it being automatically marked as spam. It's not even consistent, dammit, some journals/comms are fine, others I can't post links at all, embedded or otherwise.

Is this something that other people are struggling with, or has my journal been flagged for some reason? Is it purely down to the individual comm/journal anti-spam settings? How do you check if your journal has been flagged? Who do you ask about it if it is an issue of wrangling with LJ Support?

I checked the FAQ, and all the questions that are vaguely relevant seem to be aimed at people on the RECEIVING end of spam, not those innocents like me who are posting really-not-spam comments and getting branded as spammers.

It's frustrating me no end because it's impossible to help people on fic-finding communities if you can't link to the fic in question on AO3. Also, linking to your knitting on Ravelry is apparently not kosher, if you're me.

Any help appreciated, guys.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

wtf, peeves, internet

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