Time goes faster if you shut your eyes

Mar 26, 2006 18:21

I must begin today's blog with a Happy Birthday shout out to Mark, who I know actually reads this blog because he bugs me for a new entry every day, even when he does not update his own blog therefore leaving me with plenty of writing material, but no reading material. Also, nothing for me to steal and pass off as my own idea. Damn. Anyway, happy birthday dude, that's right, I'm calling you dude again, so deal.

Today has been another in a string of Really Unproductive Days (tm). I have not cleaned my house, planned anything for the wedding, read a book, written a story, made a meal, bought groceries, called a friend, watched a movie, or learned something. Any or all of these things might work to make a day at least feel a little bit productive, but so far at 6:30pm it is not to be. I'll see how the evening goes.

All of the aforementioned things were not just randomly grabbed from my head and hastily typed as they came to me. They are all things I have been meaning to do all day, and just have not done. I have been sitting here at my computer, playing the Sims, reading Sims forums (yes, I am that much of a nerd, thank you for asking) and oh yeah, my mom called. But she couldn't talk for long cause they were going to have supper. Shoot. I wanted to talk for longer. And I wanted some of that Swiss Chalet they were having too. A very boring day.

I feel that in writing this blog the reader should ultimately close the browser and feel that they have learned something about me. This may seem vain, but in this case vanity, thy name is blog, so we're already way down the vanity highway if you follow me. I'm very close to mixing my metaphors here, somebody talk me down from this ledge before glass houses are lying down with lambs and we're all in trouble. Didn't get that joke? Then I would recommend not living inside my head, cause that's what's swirling around in there most of the time. Anyway, way off topic now, so I'd better start a new paragraph.

So, have said the above, I think it is time to teach you something about me that you might not already have known. I'm stealing today's idea from a website that recommends what to talk about in your blog. Yes, I have stooped that low, that's how boring my life is lately. I rely on this for content. You're the one still reading, don't blame me.

Today I will answer the question: What name is yours most often confused for?

My experience as a tech support worker has given me a lot of experience with this question. This job required me to answer the phone with a cheesy greeting telling them where they've called in case they missed it the first 40 times in the menus, then proceed to tell them my name, and then say "how can I help you today?" in case they missed the fact that they were calling a help desk. "Cheryl" over the phone apparently sounds like: Sarah, Sharon, Charlotte, Sherry, and Susan(?). They barely ever got it right, and I never felt like correcting them when they got it wrong, because face it, it really doesn't matter what the name is of the person who helps you. If they like you they're still not going to go out of their way to tell their supervisor how awesome you are, and if they hated you it's better they don't know your name. In conversation it gets a little more sticky. Funny side story: Our wedding photographer currently thinks JF's name is pronounced Jen. This is going to be an interesting wedding, especially considering the matron of honour is named Jennifer, and another bridesmaid is Gen! Oh, the fun we are going to have.

So, enough rambling for now, except to say that I dislike renovations, especially when they are happening in the apartment below mine and they are making a bloody racket. Shut up you guys! I like it here cause it's quiet! Grr. Oh well, maybe my next apartment won't suck.
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