Happy Easter!

Apr 04, 2010 18:17

This is the first time I've been online all day--I basically woke up and started doing stuff. I made blueberry cheesecake muffins from a mix for breakfast, then spent several hours coloring eggs. This is the first time in at least 15 years, and possibly since our first Easter in this house, that I've colored them; I haven't lost my touch. I like to do this layering technique, and it's nice to know that I still have it in me. I started taking pictures of them, and dad started taking pictures, so between the two of us there should be plenty. However, layering colors takes a long time--it was seriously about three hours--and after that I jumped in the shower, then cut up a bunch of stuff for salad. Then it was the waiting game while watching "Shirley, It's Easter!" on AMC--they had a mini-Shirley Temple marathon. We told my grandfather to arrive anytime after noon; he and grandma got here after one. But we waited for the ham to cook, and then I slid in the crescent rolls, and then the pie, which needed an hour to cook and preferably three to cool, but we only did an hour. My grandparents arrived just as I was pulling the rolls out of the oven--perfect timing. We didn't have nearly as much food as for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and that actually worked out well. We had just the right amount, and nobody got gut-bustingly full. My grandfather showed us the pictures he took of my uncle's dogs from two weeks ago, and grandma told us more about her cruise, and I pulled out their wedding photos--which my grandmother claims to never have seen; she thinks her dad took them--and we went through and labeled who most of the guests were. My grandfather was funny--he had *no* idea who one guy was, then realized it was his own cousin! Heh. They left a little after four, when the rain started, and now we've finished cleaning up and we're vegging. I'm exhausted but still have school work to do. The good news is that I'll probably sleep well tonight.

dad, eggs, mom, pictures, family, easter, papa, weather, grandma, rain, holiday

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