Oct 31, 2018 23:20
My day started off strangely (and ended strangely, hence the late-for-me post). My dad had gotten some sort of alert or notification about the sex offenders in Kane County. Apparently there are a *lot* in Aurora. Good to know. And, we discovered, there's one in our neighborhood. Oh, goody! When he said the address, I went, is that the pool house? There's a house we pass on the way to the store each week and...once dad looked up the address, yes, that's it. Great. Okay, don't go trick-or-treating there.
Curious as to what sort of offense occurred, given how close we live to a park. And we are within walking distance of two schools. Hmm. Interesting.
Dad was trying to pull up an online map as I'm about to leave for work. Just after I zip up my jacket, he says to me, I'm surprised you didn't dress up today! I walk over, unzip my jacket, and show him the layers of orange and black I have on. I have a matching necklace plus beaded candy corn earrings. And, the piéce de resistance, I lift up my pant leg to show him my orange and black striped socks.
Dad labeled me a socks offender.
Everyone at work groaned when I told them this story. And...Happy Halloween.