Can you paint with all the colors of the arboretum?

Nov 01, 2018 21:03

FINALLY. Fall colors have arrived. I noticed them on Saturday, when I was up on the top floor of the parking deck after the football game. As I looked around, I could see gentle curves of color in the distance, not just greens. It's about time. And then I remembered that there are some really pretty trees, most likely maples, on campus that I've noticed during Homecoming when I've been there during the daylight. I just didn't go that way this year.

Okay, last shot at the arboretum this fall. With the time change and chilly temps, I won't be going again for a while, except possibly for Illuminations; more on that in a bit. Even now, the sun has started going down before 6 PM. The arboretum closes at sundown, and the gatehouses conveniently have signs stating the closing time by the nearest quarter-hour. It closed at 6 PM on Monday.

I'd thought to check the map before I left work, so I found a path that seemed an appropriate length; I didn't want to get caught out in the middle of everything past closing time. I didn't get out there until 5. That particular path is close to both the main road in the arboretum but also Route 53, and for part of the time the East Branch of the DuPage River is right there as well. I've not been on this path before so that was nice. It didn't take me long to find a pretty stand of trees worth photographing, and I immediately discovered I was not alone in that thought: The stand was across the road from one of the little parking spots, and another woman pulled up, got out, and carried a fancy camera over to them.

I kept going on the path. It was pretty quiet, though you'd have large groups of cars going by on the interior road at times. I found the Trees of Japan section, and guess what I found--a ginkgo! With no leaves! Shocking. A week on, the leaves littering the ground were no longer fresh and green like last week's had been. I found a few fir-type trees (is this Conifer Walk North?) that were popular with the robins--and a surprise blue jay. I don't see many of those around here so I audibly gasped. The jay flew away into an adjacent tree--this one another fir, but it was entirely orange. I don't think it was dying, either; I think that was its legit color. I scrambled for my camera, thinking they were perfect Bears colors, but the jay flew away before I could catch it and I didn't see where it went off to. Oh well. I kept walking.

There came a point, where the road-like path I was on became an actual service road with no admittance beyond that point, where the path turned 90 degrees and led into Trees of Appalachia, I believe. It made me feel like I was back at camp, on a hike, as I found myself climbing a decent hill. And the trees. I had flashbacks to when I went back to school, taking KeDeKa Road through the forest preserve south of Waubonsee, when every tree had yellowed and it was just this bright, sunny drive for a good week. So many shades of yellow. It was really impressive, and I say that as a person who prefers the red and orange trees. Plus I enjoyed the hike. I'll have to remember that spot. I also found a possible entry into the Fungus Wednesday photos that Channel 5 has; it reminded me of monkey bread.

I'd walked for probably a half-hour when I came to the end of the looping part of the path, but also close to where I could join Main Loop 1, which I'd taken last week but going the opposite direction. What the heck; I have time. It was pretty close to sunset time so it wasn't very bright, but I could see well enough. There were some pleasant colors to view in there...and a ton of squirrels. We used to joke about the fat Naperville squirrels in college, but Lisle squirrels are no slouches. Plus I'm sure this is a paradise for them. They were very busy chasing each other and burying nuts. I even caught one high up in a tree nibbling on something. Please don't drop it on my head.

I came to a point where the path diverged and I opted to go left, not right. This then took me around a path I hadn't been to, which was when I realized, oh wow, the sun's technically already set; I'd better not dawdle. No worries; I wasn't all that far away from the lake and visitors center and the like. I could also see some interesting things in the distance, which I'd eventually realize were spotlights and hanging rope lights for Illuminations. It was pretty cool to see that, and it make sense that they're already setting up for it--it starts in two weeks. As I figured, it'll take place around the lake, though not just around the lake. Some of the spotlights I'd spotted were by one of the trolls. Yeah, gonna have to check that out at some point.

At this point, I've already made my four trips to the arboretum, so yeah, this membership is paying for itself. Really glad I got it. I can't wait to go back in the spring when the flowering trees are in bloom; that's my favorite part. And this is all on the east side; there's still the west side to explore. Plus plenty of paths I haven't yet been down. I think it'll keep me busy.

forest preserve

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