Time to invest in a kayak

Sep 08, 2015 19:11

It poured today. And not just once, but several times. It looked like a monsoon at one point. It's been so long since it last rained like this that I completely forgot the protocol, which is to check what the back parking lot looks like periodically. This is why I was confused when someone from the back building was frantically trying to call me while I was already on the phone. Geez Louise, what is going on? I finally got in touch with the person, who went, yeah, you're gonna want to move your car ASAP. All I know is that today was not the day to wear flats. Said coworker happens to keep a pair of low waders by his desk in the back--sad that it's necessary--so I asked to borrow them; otherwise, I was looking at removing my socks and shoes and rolling up my pants legs to get into my car. The water was high enough that I was concerned about first reversing into it, then having to drive through it since other cars in the lot were blocking the dry portions. Good times. I'm not sure why the management company isn't doing anything about this; it inconveniences a lot of people when it floods, since it doesn't drain properly. Granted, it's been raining off and on all day, so there likely will still be a large puddle between the buildings when I get there tomorrow, but come on. This is such a hassle and interruption to the workday.

work, weather, comments, flood, rain

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