diecisiete: all audio, one wound and one out of context comment.

Oct 27, 2011 01:09

Given we are experiencing, to some extent, similar circumstances as to previously - is anyone suffering relapses to death tolls again? Or, for that matter, any other physical injuries or ailments?

I... Perhaps my previous assertions were incorrect, on the nature of current events. I am still unsure.

There is even thought behind destroying thought. Nothing is mindless, nothing is devoid of reason and nothing is truly ignorant. Except, perhaps, the court of public opinion.

[Private to Jim]

Are you in your room?

Is everything alright with you?

[Infirmary filter]

I require a second opinion. Not treatment, just an opinion. Let me know when you have time.

[Filtered to scientist folks - inmate and warden on board.]

A general survey amongst you, if I may make enquiries to this nature, as I understand they are very personal and difficult for many people.

But do any of you believe in God? I cannot - and will not - make a judgement on you either way, I am merely curious.

[Private to Sister Peace - derp derp]

Sister, could I meet you later?

not for profit and yet for profit, the old sage and fool, cool as a cucumber on ice, ghosts in the arid air, campos de castilla, cracks in the earth

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