deiciocho: good in a crisis.

Oct 30, 2011 12:11

[Infirmary filter]

We appear to have... significant problems of security, in that our faceless visitors are now corporeal and appear to be trying to clean up. I think the theory of previous staff members is correct. I've tried to get them to leave, to no avail, and am now going to get them to leave through threat of force. I would prefer if we kicked them out to kill them.

Never mind theories, though, the practicalities of it are much more important. Whilst they don't seem to be hurting anyone as yet, given that several people have been injured recently by unknown forces, I do not want to run the risk. We need a back up plan and somewhere safe.

I think the following might be necessary.

1) We request security from the other wardens. This should be self-explanatory. I will also bring in the only weapon I own, but it will be have to be a drastic situation before I fire it.

2) We give our room locations out publicly, if they weren't already known. We could set up a specific location as a makeshift infirmary, but that might only attract the same attention. There are five of us, if we take some key equipment with us, and a member or two of support staff, we should each be able to provide medical assistance, and call on the others for assistance. No matter what, I will be offering treatment in my own room as well as the infirmary. Would any member of support staff reading this like to help me?

3). We ensure anything potentially dangerous is secure, in case they can get their hands on it.

Has anyone got any other ideas?

[Warden filter]

The faceless... entities seem to be very fond of the infirmary. They have not acted with hostility yet, but I would consider this exceptionally high risk. I would like to request security - only one or two of you - for the infirmary, and any medical staff and patients, should we have to move medical provisions elsewhere.

I am going to provide treatment from my room as well as the infirmary. In the event of an emergency, either call me to you, or come to Room 10, Fifth Floor.

[Private to Jim]

Where are you, and what's happening?


In the event of the infirmary becoming an unviable location to provide medical treatment (which has not happened as yet, this is merely precautionary), medical assistance will be available in the following rooms:

Dr Caesares - 10/5


Please, I implore you all to keep calm, and contact one of the doctors immediately if treatment is required. It will be provided.

((ooc: Thought I'd get some infirmary marshalling in, as we're short a Martha, and Caesares is made of chill and organised. I thought 'infirmary security' might be a good way for badass characters to get involved if their muns are busy/have other characters to prioritise. As it's just a sort of... protect and help missions.

Also, post will potentially be edited as other doctors reply, but that's IC editing too. Oh, and the infirmary filter is an open infirmary filter, not just doctors or wardens.))

war doctors, cool as a cucumber on ice, ghosts in the arid air, the ice list, man of science (with exceptions), the art of taking things in ones stride

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