dieciseis: negotiating with terrorists.

Oct 17, 2011 22:32

Firstly, if anyone is in need of medical assistance, or knows anyone that is, I am available to do so, and will make it my priority.

Secondly, and I am aware this may be an unpopular opinion - but our... visitors, so to speak. Even if we are suffering, hurting, this may not be their choice. It may not be their will. If they are ghosts, let me speak honestly enough - ghosts are memories trapped in time, tragedies forced to relive themselves, pasts which cannot be forgotten.

There is a saying, where I lived, about the earth being so arid and the air so dry that souls get trapped halfway to heaven. Religious superstition, of course, but bear in mind that all these 'ghosts', as faceless and distant as they seem, were people once too. They might not be intending a single sufferance upon us. It might be a side effect of their existence, but...

I might sound a little crazy, but try talking to them before making decisions as to their nature. Think as to why they're here as much as a plan of attack. They could be trapped souls, much like many of us are.

[Private to Jim]

Are you suffering any... ill effects currently?

I will come down if you do not respond.

[Infirmary filter]

How much standard treatment have we administered to those suffering... relapses to their post-death states?

Is it responding as it normally would?

I'm curious as to how psychological and how physical this - and the death toll in general - is.

war doctors, cool as a cucumber on ice, insects trapped in amber, man of science (with exceptions), the old sage and fool, ghosts in the arid air, poetry from the soul, cracks in the earth

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