jesus christ, thats a pretty face.

Jul 21, 2008 14:50

good lord. what a crazy day so far. its not even 3:00 yet. so everything's going smoothly at around 9:00 - i walked to starbucks, got a shaken passion iced tea lemonade [AMAZING, btw], bought more cigarettes, and headed back over to the office. at 11:30 i get a text from shawn that just says "i might be going to the hospital". ummmm WHAAAAT??! so i call him immediately of course, and turns out he got a huge chunk of metal in his eye and the eye wash station was out of fluid. [did i mention he works with the most unorganized, moronic people EVER?]  so i hem and haw over whether or not i should walk back to market street to get my car in the parking garage so i can pick him up and take him to the ER. in the midst of all this, i managed to spend $150 on Ed Hardy underwear and bras, get 3 pairs of pants marked to be hemmed at Paolo Vista, plus schedule lunch at the Tasting Room with my mom. finally i hear back from shawn and he says he got the metal out, but his eye still hurts like a bitch.

i go to lunch with my mom, we talk, laugh, eat delicious lobster chowder and salads; i introduce her to Retro Metro, and then i get a picture text from shawn with him wearing aviator sunglasses -- i have been begging him to buy a pair of these for MONTHS -- and cant help but burst out laughing in the middle of the store. he says he's coming home cause he just cant work with his eye all blurry and hurting like a bitch. so mom and i part ways, and i go home real quick to change my clothes [its fucking HOT outside today] and see how he's doing.

i cant wait to get paid tomorrow.
its been a weird/hilarious sort of day.

oh, and also, gwen stefani is the shit.


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