WTF?! seriously.

Jul 21, 2008 08:37 apparently there's a problem with Paychex, and no one is sure whether or not we're actually getting paid today. I NEED THIS MONEY. not only am i slightly broke, but its the first paycheck that i'll be receiving with my pay raise on it. OH now i've just been informed that pay day isn't until TOMORROW. apparently its always on the 22nd, not the 21st like EVERYONE IN THE COMPANY has been told. whatev. i just need this money asap.

in other rantings, i just love that my landlord waits nearly an entire month to deposit my rent check. this is not only extremely inconvenient for me, but it makes me want to fucking scream because good god, i hate having to check my account balance to make sure there's always at least $950 in my account. i mean i know she's unorganized and all, but COME ON. i might as well just pay her my entire year's rent all at once. but really, what good would that do? she'd probably wait a year to deposit that check, too.

rants aside, my weekend was really good. simon was unusually cheerful, which is always a nice surprise. we took him to a park in bethesda on saturday, and yesterday went swimming at my parents' house. he even cleaned up the entire living room, made his bed, fed the cats, and brushed his teeth every morning and night - and earned a whole $5 for it. he was elated.  its amazing what money can make a child do. haha.

lastly, im taking these meds for a rash that i have on my chest, along with my regular effexor and clonopin, and it's making me extremely loopy. 
should be an interesting day.


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