(no subject)

Sep 18, 2005 02:05

you know it's true what they say... you REALLY cannot break the spirit of new orleans... who knows, maybe they can rebuild the city... i can't sleep... i really don't know if i can move away from my home... right now it really looks as if we have no choice... it's like ridiculous over there... i really wish my whole family wasn't moving... well, amy's staying but my mom and dad are not... and i just can't be away from them... me and gretchen and my aunt cherie got drunk tonight and listened to every single new orleans song we could possibly find... it was great... i just want to go home... i can't stand this... i wish i could convince nancy and carlos to move to alabama too... but i think they're going to stay in georgia... this fucking sucks... everybody's spreading out... i want to see my mom, i want to see my dad, i want to see my sister, i want to see my brother, i want to see all of my cousins, i want to see all of the kids... i want to go home i want to go home i want to fucking go home... my dad's been staying at my apartment, sleeping on an air mattress in the baby's room... i don't know why, it's not like we brought our bed with us...

i guess i'm going to try to go to sleep again...
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