23 Years Later, And We're Still Paying.

Dec 16, 2014 20:56

Stop the fucking presses, the guy who thought it acceptable to put a ball hair on a can of coke thinks fags shouldn't be allowed to be married. The hell you say!

When I was a kid, I thought it was too shocking that anyone would do this, but then I immediately thought, 'why would anyone accuse someone of doing this?' There wasn't a doubt in my mind he had done it after that. It surprised me that they allowed this man, a black man no less, to get away with it and make him a member of the Taco Supreme Court. Today, only the fact that he was black and allowed to get away with it surprises me.

Have we gone backwards in racism, sexism, and all forms of bigotry? Regression is a horrid idea. Yet, here we are.

Why Florida? It always seems to be here. Back in the seventies, a civil rights ordinance was passed. Then the crazy bitch former beauty queen uses fear tactics to get it repealed. She then went on a crusade to get gay adoption banned as well. Then took her evangelical cross burning show on the road and had rights for gays banned across the country. She even tried to have a Russian style 'Gay Propaganda' law put in California. She got a pie and destroyed career for her efforts. And a fitting legacy, the orange juice she shilled for gives people the shits.

But it's not all bad news. CNN's sweetheart Nancy Grace called her a nice lady who was attacked for no reason. Yes, that's right, and, like Cotton Mather, was just a harmless people's advocate too.


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