The Real Victims of Russian Sanctions.

Jul 28, 2014 07:20

Well, people, you can stop looking. The real victims of Obama's sanctions against Russia have been finally found and we should all light a candle in our 24/7 vigil for them.

According to a guy with the dickish name, the corporations are being harmed the most. Not only are these brave citizens biting their tongues in order to keep from being called 'disloyal', they are facing the loss of their small pitiful amount of monies. It's a double whammy too, because while they are losing their current business, other national corporations are creeping in from corporate states not beholdant to Obama, like from China. The Whore will feel ever-so-grateful to China for supporting them, he will make it so the China Corporations are forever their best friends and the poor America Corporations are never picked or picked last for soccer during recess!

He's not alone in all of this. He cites a few people with identical opinions. But, he personally lathes Pat Buchanan's balls and crack while waxing poetic about his eternal love of the man's opinion.

Click here if you want to weep for the poor corporations.


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