Catalogue: Eden-Steph, moving into Shatterverse.

Jun 01, 2008 22:39

I've been meaning to do this for a while -- I write so many different versions of Steph that I forget what each one knows, which is important when it comes to the Fray-family and so on. So: street_eden, and Wot Steph Did There.

Steph lands in Eden out of the middle of a Gotham night. Cuteness with Tim, who saw a different Steph die. Cuteness with Cass, the same; also rooftop chasing and general squee. Also, she meets Sokka, Hana and Loo. This may or may not be a pivotal moment in her life, whether she realises it or not. Things they talk about: world-hopping circuits, Mel and Zuko, firebenders, babies, girlfriends and boyfriends. And babies. A lot. Steph adores Hana and Loo immediately.

Untagged EP: what Steph and Tim have been up to in the time since arrival. Not a lot.

Sokka is exploring in the bar. Steph fails to recognise him by his butt. They decide that neither of them is quite normal, even if they're also not superpowered. Sokka molests her gadgets and shows her his boomerang. Which Steph promptly throws around the room and catches, because she's a show-off. So of course they then have to race up to the roof and have a boomerang-throwing competition. Steph, not being so good with the long-distance, misses the target, and then inexplicably fails to lift her hand in time to catch the returning 'rang. We may or may not have been feeling shippy even then. You can't prove anything. Of course, Steph instantly demands that Sokka train her, and they go get wood so he can carve her a training boomerang. They also discuss the worldhopping some more, and conclude again by deciding that they can't do anything about it. Then they tease each other a lot. BFFs already!

She meets Simon.

She and Tim meet Maya and Kyuzo. Tim starts showing hints of overprotectiveness. Thread died due to the difficulty of coordinating four people and four timezones.

Babs' arrival. Steph has yet to realise that everyone is going to greet her with 'but you're dead!' and flails about a bit at Babs arguing her identity.

Tim EP, in which Not-Dealing-Well continues to happen on his behalf; Steph has yet to start being bothered by his stalkerish tendencies, mostly. He mentions that Superboy's dead and there's hugging.
Training with Sokka: "Hey, the Great Purple Steph is gonna kick your little blue ass." Also, Steph reveals a willingness to fight dirty. Sokka is gratuitously shirtless, there is totally unabashed flirting (since both of them are otherwise attached, and all, so it's safe), and then more sparring.

Steph chats to Cass. Tim is starting to worry her.

Steph meets Zuko. Not much happens.

Steph meets Mel, which goes much better. Steph is bright and Steph-y at her and chatters a lot. Things discussed: Apocalyptica, dinosaur meat, whether Steph and Sokka are Steph and Sokka or not, tact in discussing Firebenders' scars.

The Assault: the only thing ever to actually happen in Eden and thus deserving of capital letters. Tim gets very serious about trying to keep her out of the fight, which bothers her more than a little. She and Tim stop in to help Sokka out before they all head for the hotel. On the rooftop: Steph throws herself into the fight, of course. Tim and Cass both are protective again. Claire Bennet dives off the edge of the roof and Sokka jumps down after her, causing Steph to decide that they're both insane. She offers them a line up but Sokka prefers to climb. Then once the battle's over she gets frustrated with everyone there.

Afterwards she catches up with Claire in the chocolate aisle. Things discussed: parents, what normal might be, why men suck, Sokka's lack of suck (except that they're not entirely sure he's not gay), why Steph wants to be Robin, and why families that are chosen are better than families that are born.

Training. Steph angsts to Babs about Tim's mental state, which is beginning to seriously disturb her. And training sessions with Cass Cain begin in earnest, Cass determined to make her get better.

Steph meets Faye, who knew the other-her. Faye fills her in on some of the nastier details of Apocalyptica, like precisely what happened to Zuko and what the Farm was.

Sokka and Steph have an epic flour-fight. It's a thing of beauty. More 'safe' flirting. Steph shows off her close-range skills with batarangs. Then they wander down to the store so Sokka can be engineer-y.

She chats briefly with Faye at the first Coffee Day.

More training with Cass, and some Girl Talk -- about Sokka.

She hangs out with Mel and the babies while Hana is sick. Mel mentions that Sokka has another sister, but doesn't say anything else about it. Steph insists that the babies get given birthday parties.

Another Coffee Day. She gets a little more of Faye's backstory, and teases Cass about teaching her to read via Harlequins.

She does catch Hana's flu, but trains anyway, being smart like that. She talks to Revan, to Claire, and to Sokka. Nothing productive.

Mel also gets sick.

Time moves on. Eden is getting boring. And creepy. Steph hangs out in the bar after midnight one night. Cass drops by and Steph reveals that she's secretly Batman. And writing a story about throbbing ninja superhero princesses. As you do. Claire comes in to hang out, and they chat about Sokka and both get slightly wary of the other, even though neither knows or will admit to why. They discuss how to deal with terrifyingly overprotective boyfriends and conclude that this place sucks. It is not a hard conclusion to come to. Also, Sokka. He doesn't tell her why he's in the bar after midnight, but that doesn't matter. They test the bar's stock of spirits out together, in the name of ... science. Yeah, science.

She meets Maniac, briefly.

More time passes. Eden gets worse. Steph is slowly going nuts for lack of anything to do. She jumps at the chance to help Sokka move stuff around. She accidentally lets Tim's real name slip to Sokka, teases him about his animal carvings, and then -- Tim appears. At this stage he has been following her everywhere, as evidenced by the dropping through the roof and scowling at her. Understandably, she's creeped out, Sokka's annoyed, and Tim is silent and sulky. When Steph discovers that the box she's carrying for Sokka is full of empty bourbon bottles, she's even more worried, and promptly sends Tim away so she can talk to Sokka. This turns into a fight, because she's mad at him for not looking after himself. They settle down and go back downstairs to throw wooden animals and insults at each other, but Steph remains worried about him. And completely steers clear of telling him about her problems with Tim, because she's not a hypocrite, nuh-uh.

Steph's hand holds a very serious conversation with Sokka on the rooftop in Eden. Steph may have acknowledged by now that she's slightly attracted to him. She certainly gets very thoughtful after she demands -- and receives -- a kiss on said hand. But they end up teasing and laughing anyway. It is kind of a pattern.

And ... then that's it. The next morning, Steph wakes up, and she's in Shatter.

In conclusion, meeting trelali properly was totally awesome, and she should never ever stop playing Sokka, because every single thread is made of pure gold. ♥

shatterverse, ooc

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