Another Way To Go Nowhere [s/a]

Dec 02, 2009 23:16

Title: Another Way To Go Nowhere [s/a]
Rating: NC-17 [What else should one be expecting by now?]
Warning: Threesome, Double penetration.
Pairing: Rydencer [Ryan/ Brendon/ Spencer]
POV: 3rd
Summary: Ryan has two boyfriends.
Word Count: 2613
Disclaimer: I'm a vegetarian alligator.
Beta: Just me. I read over this five million times though.
Authors Notes: For Brittany!

Ryan and Spencer had been together since they were 13. They were watching some random movie one day and Ryan just decided he'd lean over and kiss Spencer. Spencer had smiled and kissed the older back and things had gone from there.

Ryan was quite happy with his little secretive relationship with Spencer, well, that was until Brent brought Brendon to band practice one day. Ryan had been the one to tell Brendon he was in and Ryan had kissed him hard, hands roaming the younger's body.

Now Ryan was in love with Spencer AND Brendon and both thought they were Ryan's one and only. The guitarist knew he'd have to pick one of them one day but he just couldn't choose right now. Spencer was so gentle and caring, acting as if he might break Ryan. Brendon was rough and hard, purposely leaving bruises on the older he'd have to explain to Spencer later.

The guitarist knew what he was doing was risky as Brendon's hands yanked his shirt off, letting the piece of clothing fall to the floor of the dressing room. Brendon had just gotten out of the shower so he was already naked which Ryan had taken a bit of an advantage of.

Ryan whined softly as he looked up into Brendon's deep brown eyes, the older licking his lips before kissing Brendon hard, mumbling into his mouth, “Fuck me, Bear. Fuck me so hard I'm screaming your name in pain.”

Brendon licks his own lips and shivers at Ryan's voice, nodding slightly before he's reaching into Ryan's pocket and grabbing the small tube of lube he kept with him. Brendon always just smirked and shook his head, finding it amusing. The singer then was quickly removing the guitarist's pants and boxers, pressing his back to the wall. Brendon then is kissing Ryan slowly and tentatively, fingers working to slick the right amount of lube over his hard cock before he drops the tube to the floor.

Brendon then smirks at Ryan, kissing him deeply before mumbling softly, “Love you, Ry,” and he's lifting Ryan's legs to his waist, lifting the guitarist off the ground and grinning slightly as he presses in, knowing Ryan didn't need any prep from how much they did this.

Ryan gasped as he gripped onto Brendon's broad shoulders, the older nibbling his lip as Brendon moved back and forth inside him. “Fuck!” he gasped softly as he held onto the singer, mildly terrified the other would drop him.

At that very moment Spencer had just so happened to be walking by said dressing room and he knew that soft breath of 'fuck' all too well, the drummer shocked to find his Ryan bouncing on Brendon's cock as he cracked the door silently.

Spencer had half a mind to walk into the room and scream at the both of them, but Spencer wasn't the jealous type and he loved seeing Ryan in an intimate position and the way Ryan moved was so different, so much more violent then when he was with Spencer.

Ryan bit his lip hard as he let his head fall back against the wall as he let Brendon fuck him into it. “God, Bear,” he purred to the singer, voice deep and needy, “T-Touch me,” he moans to Brendon who nods promptly.

As Brendon shifts Ryan's weight slightly he earns a mildly terrified whine from the guitarist but that was quickly replaced with a loud and whore-ish moan as Brendon's fingers made contact with Ryan's cock. “You like that, Whore?” Brendon growled, punctuating the end of the sentence with a particularly hard thrust into Ryan, causing the older to let out a slightly pained yelp.

Spencer widened his eyes slightly, nibbling on his lip. Brendon had hurt Ryan and Ryan had liked it. Spencer had never, ever taken the guitarist as a person who got off on pain but Ryan was warning their singer as Brendon bit down on his neck that he was close, the chocolate eyed boy nodding in agreement as he thrusted harder.

“Oh fuck, Ry!” Brendon moaned as he came, thrusting through his orgasm and quickening the pace of his hand to help Ryan reach the orgasm that the singer could see he wanted so badly.

Ryan's body tightened, spasming as he moaned loudly and shamelessly, “Spencer! Fuck yes!” as he came all over their stomachs.

Brendon went slightly ridged before he let Ryan down and pulled out of the older, the singer clenching his teeth. “What did you just say, Ryan?” He asks.

Spencer was shocked when Ryan moaned his name but he smiled happily. The drummer's smile was quickly gone, though, when he saw the look on Brendon's face and he quickly walked into the dressing room, shielding a very blissful and slightly confused Ryan.

“Smith,” Brendon growled unhappily. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked as he watched Spencer hold Ryan in his arms, trying to protect him from Brendon's furry and let the hazel eyed boy enjoy his after glow.

Spencer sighed softly, glaring gently at Brendon. “Well I came to get my iPod but I found you two and I didn't want to disrupt you two, even though Ryan was cheating on me,” he said unhappily but continued to pet Ryan's hair as the older regained his mind.

Brendon laughed. “How could he be cheating on you when he's with me?” the singer asked nastily.

Spencer frowned and glanced down at Ryan and then back up to Brendon. “With you? He's with me.”

Ryan, having finally regained himself from his orgasm he stood up straighter and met Spencer's lips with his own, to Brendon's distaste. “Actually I've secretly been dating and fucking both of you,” he says shyly. “Cause I love you both. Spencer you're so sweet and loving. Brendon you're so amazing and perfect,” he said with a gentle flush of his cheeks.

Spencer sighed as he let Ryan go now he could stand on his own feet, trying to glare Brendon down as the singer did the exact same to Spencer.

Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose as his two boyfriends tried to have a dominance battle over him. “Y-you know... I actually had this idea, and I was going to tell you both on a hotel night that I was with each of you. For my idea to work I kinda need both of you working together,” he states shyly, a blush tingeing Ryan's cheeks a light pink.

Both of the other boys look up with interest, saying together, “Oh?” before turning their gazes back to each other and glaring harshly.

Ryan laughs slightly at his two loves. “I... I want to fuck both of you.”

Spencer rolls his eyes slightly at Ryan. “Haven't you been doing that, My love?” he asks sweetly, Brendon huffing and rolling his eyes.

Ryan laughs sheepishly and nods. “That's not what I ment. I mean... I want...” He swallowed and took a breath before continuing. “I want both of you... in me.. at the same time.” Ryan's face was now a shade redder then a fire truck if that was even possible.

Both of the other boys stared at Ryan with wide eyes and Brendon's cock visibly twitched slightly as he whispered, “Fuck, Ry. Those are possibly the hottest words to ever come out of your mouth.”

Spencer nodded in agreement, grinning brightly at the guitarist. “You sure you want to? I mean two dicks up your ass will be a big stretch.”

Ryan grinned and nodded, taking Spencer's right hand and Brendon's left before kissing both boys. “But I want it and I've been stretching myself since I got the idea, which was like a month ago.” Ryan's then looking down at his clothes, letting his loves' hands drop before getting redressed and sticking the lube back in the pocket of his jeans. “Get dressed, Bear. Tonight's not a hotel night and I'm not fucking both of you on the floor of the bus and we won't all three fit in a bunk,” he stated bluntly before kissing each of them deeply and walking out.

Brendon and Spencer just turned to one another, grinning like idiots from ear to ear. “This is gonna be so hot!” Spencer squeals slightly, grinning.

Brendon nods, licking his lips. “You think he'd let me take a picture of him with two dicks up his ass?” he asks Spencer jokingly who just makes a disapproving noise at the idea before grabbing his iPod and leaving the room.


Ryan licks his lips nervously as he leads his two boyfriends to the hotel room. The guitarist's nerves were starting to get to him and he was starting to get scared of both Brendon and Spencer fucking him.

He looks up at the drummer and singer once they're in the room with the door closed and locked. “Be gentle,” he tells them both sharply before slowly stripping of his clothes.

Spencer nods as he moves forward to help Ryan out of his clothes, Brendon looking a little unhappy about Ryan's instructions but he also starts undressing and soon all three boys are standing naked, the singer moving up behind Ryan and turning his head to kiss him roughly and deeply.

Spencer takes this que and slowly sinks to his knees, taking the older's cock in one hand, running his hand up and down it's half-hard length a few times until Ryan was fully hard. Spencer then smirks up at Ryan, letting his lips slide around and down the guitarist's vertical stick.

Meanwhile, the singer's hands were roaming Ryan's chest and stomach, finger playing with the oldest's nipples gently as he nibbled Ryan's neck and it was clear how much euphoria he was in right now from the moan that escaped his lips.

Spencer doesn't stay down on his knees long, though. He's horny and wanting to fuck his boyfriend. “Hey, Urie. Which one of us is Ryan gonna be on top of?” he asks with a raised eyebrow. Spencer and Ryan hadn't explored many positions but from what Spencer had seen of Ryan and Brendon they explored a lot.

Brendon had pressed himself closer to Ryan, grinding against the older's ass with Ryan letting out soft moans as he grinned back against the singer, a happy smile on his lips as his hazel eyes stayed shut. Brendon looked up at Spencer and shrugged. “I'm more used to holding him up during our escapes, so I can have him on top of me easily. Spencer simply nodded at Brendon, catching Ryan's eyes as they opened.

Ryan bit his lip shyly as he pulled away from Brendon and looked between the chocolate-eyed boy and the blue-eyed boy. “I... I was wondering if, uhm,” he mumbled softly. Ryan nibbled his lip as he gathered his courage to speak. “I want to see both of you make out.” Ryan's voice comes out strong, but very quiet.

Both of the younger boys blink at Ryan like he's insane for a minute or so before Brendon shrugs and moves to Spencer, hand falling to the drummer's crotch, giving his dick a few teasing tugs as they kiss.

Spencer starts at Brendon's hand on his cock but he quickly lets it go, kissing Brendon back and copying his actions after a few seconds, his strokes more purposeful and less teasing.

Ryan's letting his hand move up and down his own hard member as he watches his boyfriends, any nervousness he was feeling before is now gone from his body. The guitarist smirks and moves forward, tugging Brendon's hair to get the singer to detach himself from Spencer before showing Brendon down on the bed before straddling him.

Spencer looked on a bit dumbfounded as Brendon bucked up into Ryan, the two boys bodies moving in perfect sync and making them both utter moans as the moved, Brendon's teeth finding Ryan's left collar bone and biting hard, almost drawing blood. The singer was mildly disappointed at this.

Spencer swallowed before climbing onto the bed, careful of the other two boys. Spencer was the smart one and had grabbed a bottle of lube before they had gotten started, now setting that on the bed. “Keep explaining you two, I've never done anything like this.” Spencer really didn't want to admit that Ryan had been the one and only his whole life but he blushed just thinking about telling them.

Brendon smiled up at Spencer. “Well I should go first since you have more room to maneuver.” The drummer nodded, noting Brendon couldn't really lube his own cock right now so Spencer popped the cap of the lube, putting some in his hand jerking the singer's cock before helping guide him into Ryan, the oldest letting out a lusty moan.

Ryan glanced back at the drummer, letting out a shaky breath before speaking. “Fingers first, Spin. Be slow and gentle.” Ryan has to keep focusing on relaxing, despite how terrified he is that his lovers are going to end up ripping him.

Spencer smiles sweetly as he coats his fingers in lube, pressing one into Ryan and moving in time with Brendon's slow gentle strokes, adding a finger each time Ryan relaxes and then voices he's ready for more.

Ryan then shakily whispers out “Spencer... fuck me,” and it's clear that Ryan needs both boys inside him right now, fucking him as hard as he'll permit them. Ryan hisses as Spencer slides into him along side Brendon's cock, the guitarist digging his nails into Brendon's chest.

Brendon has to bite his lip fiercely to keep from moaning out just how fucking amazing it feels to have Ryan around him and Spencer pressed against him.

It takes Ryan a minute or so until he growls, “Move or so help me god,” to the two boys. It takes Spencer and Brendon less time then the older of the pair had expected to work out a rhythm that was fast and deep enough for all three of them that Brendon and Spencer could keep in tempo. It didn't much surprise Spencer as they all three play music together.

Ryan's soon a moaning mess between his two lovers as they move and it's not much longer once Brendon starts brushing fingers against Ryan's cock before the oldest of the three is moaning out the two younger boys' names and clenching around them as the most intense orgasm he's ever had in his life rocks his body.

Brendon and Spencer come quickly after Ryan, the singer and drummer coming within a few seconds of each other. Spencer pulls out first and then Brendon, the drummer staring in shock at how stretched Ryan is.

“Damn Ryan... I don't think we should fuck you for or month or something after this, let you tighten back up,” he says as he runs his index finger around the rim of Ryan's entrance, the guitarist whimpering and twitching away from the over stimulating touch.

“Spenceee...,” he whines unhappily as he buries his face in an already half passed out Brendon's chest.

Spencer rolls his eyes at the older boys, laying next to them and pulling the sheet over all three of them before pulling the singer and guitarist into his arms and he's starting to decide that maybe being in a three-way relationship with Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross might not be so bad after all.

rydencer, ryan ross, spencer smith, brendon urie, nc-17, one-shot

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