Will You Be My Baby? [Part Three]

Oct 09, 2009 17:05

Part One
Part Two
Will You Be My Baby? [Part Three]

Brendon sighs as Panic! boards the plane. Brendon was SOOO not looking forward to a 14 hour flight to London and he was going to feed Pete his own balls when they got home. He sighs as he sits down, nuzzling into Ryan as soon as he sits next to him. "I think you're going to have to restrain me from killing our boss when we get home," he grumbles.

"I think we'll have to recruit Zack to hold the both of us back." Ryan wanted to strangle that short little fucker just as much if not more so than Brendon. Brendon's estimated due date was in two weeks, but since they weren't sure when the baby happened, it wouldn't be accurate, so Ryan was worried. "Pete shouldn't be making you do this."

Brendon nodded in full agreement, huffing and letting some of his seething anger go. "I'm gonna try to sleep," he informs the older. He was the mild bit greatful Pete had made sure they were flying first class and Brendon settled into his seat to sleep. The singer slept most of the flight but when they had about an hour left he awoke, blinking slightly as he reached out and grabbed Ryan's wrist. "R-Ry?" he stuttered softly, slightly disoriented at the moment and trying to figure out what the fuck woke him up.

Ryan pulled one of his earbuds out and turned to Brendon. "What is it? ...Brendon?" He noticed that Brendon looked a little confused and Ryan started thinking the worst. "Are you okay?"

Brendon nodded after a minuet before he grimaced slightly "I... I don't feel good, Ry," he mumbled, a hand running over his stomach, hoping it was just the baby had gotten to riled up from the long flight and it was nothing else. He really didn't want it to be anything else.

"Do you feel sick, or...?" Ryan pressed the back of his hand to Brendon's forehead as he pulled out his other earbud; it was a little warm, but nothing unusual. "Is it your stomach?" he asked, noticing Brendon holding it a little. God if it was the baby, if something was wrong or... no, he couldn't think that.

Brendon bit his lip, shaking his head. "I... I'm not sure what it i-," he paused, face going a little pale as he figured out what was going on with his body and he cursed under his breath. "This isn't good," he said, loud enough for Ryan to hear. He then looked at the guitarist. "I... I'm having contractions," he said, voice soft and mildly terrified.

Ryan's eyes went wide. "Oh god... how long do you think...?" He vaguely hoped that they could land first, get to a hospital. He doubted there was a doctor on the plane, and he was absolutely NOT delivering a baby himself. "What are we gonna do?"

Brendon shrugged at Ryan's first question. "I have no clue. I don't know if I've been having contractions all day and not noticing them or if they're just starting now, I'm hoping it's the latter." Brendon looks over at Ryan and it's clear the singer is terrified. Brendon chews his lip slightly, trying to think of a plan of action. "Get the stewardess. She has to know what's going on and alert the pilot." Brendon then takes a few calming breaths, rubbing a hand over his stomach and then down to the crotch of his pants. "My water hasn't broken so that's in our favor," he says softly.

Ryan nods, trying to stay calm, and presses the call button on the overhead panel.

A stewardess comes down to them calmly, a big smile on her face. "What can I get for you boys?" she asks politely, despite Brendon being obviously pregnant.

"Brendon here is having contractions. We, ah, don't know how long they've been going on, but..." Ryan scratches the back of his head nervously. "We don't know how much time we have."

Brendon looks up at her with skittish and scared eyes, holding tightly onto Ryan's left hand, as Brendon is on the left. "Wh-wh-what should we do?" he asks nervously, squeezing Ryan's hand tightly as a strong contraction wracks the younger's body, Brendon letting out a soft curse under his breath.

The stewardess makes a surprised face, letting out a soft 'oh.' "I'll go tell the pilot immediately. We'll do what we can, dears, just sit tight." She then scurried back up to the front of the plane, disappearing behind a curtain.

"God, I hope they can land this thing fast. Joining the mile-high club is one thing; joining the having-a-baby-14,000-feet-in-the-air club is another." Ryan tried to relax back in his seat, but he was tense still.

Brendon gave the stewardess a tight smile, looking over at Ryan with tense features and gasping slightly and unhappily, glancing down at his pants as the crotch of his pants dampened and Brendon's grip on Ryan's hand tightened as the boy squirmed in his seat "R-Ryan... R-Ryan we have a problem," he mumbled, groaning and cursing as the next contraction was twice the strength of his last.

"What now...? Oh fuck," Ryan muttered, looking down to see a spot beginning to darken in the crotch of Brendon's jeans. Suddenly, an announcement came from the loud speakers: "Attention passengers, this is your pilot speaking. If there is a doctor, registered nurse, or anyone else qualified to deliver a baby on this plane, would you please make your way to the cockpit; we have a small situation on our hands, nothing to be worried about. Thank you." Ryan sighed.

Brendon pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed softly, holding Ryan's hand and leaning into him "I'm fucking killing Pete when we get home..." he growls, wincing as another contraction hits but he thanks god as someone steps forward from behind the curtain separating coach and first class, the woman smiling softly "I'm an OBGYN medical student," she told the stewardess.

Brendon wasn't perfectly happy with this, but she was a fellow female and she knew what to do so this worked for him and he swallowed nervously, kissing Ryan. "Shit we're gonna have our baby by the time we land,” he mumbled, hissing softly and squeezing Ryan's hand, clutching his stomach.

"This is so messed up," Ryan muttered, bringing their clutched hands to kiss the back of Brendon's sweetly. "You'll be fine, B. We can do this... Every little thing is gonna be alright," he recites with a soft smile, cupping Brendon's cheek with his free hand.

The stewardess smiles at the medical student and leads her over to where Brendon and Ryan are seated. "Boys, this young lady is an OBGYN medical student. If we could get you two up into the galley for a little more privacy, we will make you as comfortable as possible."

Brendon bites his lip as he looks up at the two women "I... I'm not sure I can move," he says softly before getting up with a little of Ryan's help, sighing softly as he put most of his weight on the other as they were led to the gallery, Brendon biting his lip slightly.

Cassadee smiled "Hi my name's Cassadee and I can assure you everything's gonna be just fine," she says, smiling at both boys. She looked around, finding the only space for Brendon to lay down would be the floor. She turned to the stewardess. "Get blankets and pillows." Cassadee then turns back to Brendon and Ryan. It was then she recognized them but kept herself professional. "Brendon I'm gonna need you to lay down on the floor. You can prop yourself up with the wall or Ryan can sit against the wall and you can lean on him."

Brendon nodded, liking the last option better. "Make sure I don't fall?" he asked Ryan as he carefully started to sit on the ground, one hand on his stomach.

Ryan nodded, quickly moving to sit against the wall and help Brendon down to the floor. When Brendon was safely on the floor, Ryan wrapped his arms around Brendon's chest, kissing the back of his neck. "You're gonna be just fine, babe. Just fine," he whispered into Brendon's ear, holding him as tight as he could without hurting him.

The stewardess retreated back into the passenger area to grab pillows and blankets from an overhead compartment, bringing them back to Cassadee. "Anything else I can help with, miss?"

Cassadee had smiled brightly at Brendon "I'm gonna take your pants off and your underwear, ok?" she asked, not wanting to the startle the singer. When Brendon nodded she pulled the pants off, and the his undies, eyes widening "Holy shit," she muttered, smiling again and looking up at Brendon "Your baby's crowning. I can see the top of it's head." She then takes the pillows from the stewardess, handing them to Ryan to help make Brendon comfortable, then putting a blanket over the boy's lower half to keep him warm. "Push, Bren!" she encouraged.

Brendon leaned back into Ryan, biting his lip as he gathered all his strength and put it into pushing, trying to remember to breathe at the same time but kinda failing. He kept pushing with each contraction, holding onto Ryan like his life depended on it and Brendon kinda felt it did.

"Brendon, breathe," Ryan muttered, getting a little worried that he'd pass out like that. Suddenly remembering one of those baby shows on TV, he did that stupid little breathing thing that was supposed to work, trying to get Brendon to follow along. "Come on, you're doing great, just breathe."

Brendon nodded, taking a moment to breathe, trying his best to ignore a contraction but his body was screaming for him to push. He snuggles back into Ryan, so glad to have his lover there right now. "You owe me," he jokes. "I wanted to be seriously doped up for this." Brendon then starts pushing again and with Ryan's help he remembers to breathe.

Cassadee grins and pats the inside of Brendon's thigh. "Everything looks great, Bren! a couple more pushes and we'll have a baby!" She was a little over peppy but it worked as a birthing couch as it just made Brendon work harder, the boy letting out curses against the pain as he pushed. Cassadee then looked up at the stewardess. "I'll need sanitized scissors," she tells the stewardess.

The stewardess nods, searching around for scissors and then something to sterilize them with. Once she finds them, she brings them over, happy to be of help and able to witness such a beautiful event.

Ryan's not even thinking about how stupid he sounds helping Brendon remember to breathe, excited almost as much as Cassadee when he hears how close he is to having his baby, their baby.

Cassadee smiles, taking the scissors. "Ryan, come here. I'm gonna need you to catch the baby and to cut the umbilical cord," she tells him, giving Brendon an apologetic look.

Brendon sighs softly as Ryan moves, pouting slightly. "Tell me if it's a girl or boy?" he asks, pausing in listening to his body long enough to let Ryan move down between his legs with Cassadee.

"I will, Bren," Ryan promises, gripping his knee for a second before readying himself for what's about to happen. He looks to Cassadee for further instruction; he's not completely clueless, but he's not too sure of the specifics of childbirth.

Cassadee smiles at Ryan. “When the baby comes out catch it in your arms, you'll need to turn it over and pat it on the back VERY gently to make sure it's breathing ok. Then I'll take the baby and wrap it and I'll have you cut the umbilical cord," she says, patting Brendon's thigh. "One more push, ok Bren?" she asks with a smile.

Brendon nods, giving one last push before sighing, his body still contracting and he didn't know why, the boy frowning.

Cassadee could see what Brendon was thinking from his expression. "Your body's trying to get rid of the placenta," she said softly, trying to calm Brendon.

Ryan caught the baby's head as it slowly slid out, holding it carefully as the rest of its body appeared, the whole thing clearing and Ryan suddenly found himself with a screaming baby in his arms, doing as Cassadee said before handing it off to her. Looking up at Brendon he smiled wide. "It's a girl, B."

Cassadee wrapped the girl carefully in a couple blankets as Ryan cut the umbilical cord and Cassadee waited until Brendon had pushed the placenta out before hand the tiny girl to Brendon. "Congrats, Mom," she said softly, backing off and letting the new family have their moment.

Brendon had tears in his eyes as he held the girl in his arms. "Hey sweetie," he cooed softly, looking up at Ryan. "What should we name her?" he asked the older softly as he closed his legs.

Ryan shrugs, wiping his hands off on one of the blankets. "Oh god, I don't know... What about... Cassadee?" he ventures, looking up at the girl who helped them and grinning.

She grins. “I'd be incredibly flattered," she said with a slight blush.

Brendon nods "Cassadee Grace Ross," he dubbed the baby, kissing her nose lightly, cuddling her as closely as he could without hurting the tiny baby who still was making a fuss, but when Brendan asked about it Cassadee Sr. said it's actually a good thing that she's crying. Brendon sighed, unbuttoning his shirt slightly "You hungry, Cassy?" he asked softly, the girl latching on and sucking hungrily. Brendon couldn't help but smile as he watched the girl intently.

Ryan bit his lip as he watched the mother-daughter bonding moment, moving to lean against the wall next to Brendon. A strong wave of pride washed over him, noticing she had Ryan's nose and Brendon's lips. He leaned down to kiss Brendon's shoulder, unable to stop smiling happily.

Brendon kisses back, grinning happily. "You can think of me as a girl now, if you want..." he says softly, sighing happily. "Cause right now being a girl is VERY rewarding." He then bites his lip, looking up at the stewardess. "Could you go get my carry on so I can put on some pants?" he asks softly.

Cassadee smiles. "You need a pad, Brendon? You'll be bleeding for at most a week after this." Cassadee then gets up and goes to get one when Brendon nods, returning and waiting until the stewardess brings Brendon clean pants and undies.

The stewardess went to retrieve Brendon's bag from under the seat in front of his before returning to the galley.

Brendon smiled greatfully, handing Cassy to Ryan, the girl protesting as her feeding was interrupted. Brendon then pulled on a clean pair of undies, putting the pad carefully on before pulling them the rest of the way up and then pulling on a pair of pants and he smiled as he stole the girl back from Ryan "We should go sit in our seats for landing," he tells Ryan, letting Cassy go back to suckling.

Ryan nods, thanking Cassadee and the stewardess for all their help, sending his regards to the pilot as well. He then helps Brendon back to their seats, glaring at anyone who looked at them funny. Okay, so maybe he was a little overprotective.

Brendon was sore but he was happy as he cuddled the girl, head resting on Ryan's shoulder as they landed, Cassy screaming from the pressure change and Brendon quickly shushed her, grinning at his skill. When they got into the airport the three of them were taken to the hospital, Mother and daughter being looked over throughly before both were released and Brendon had Cassy's birth certificate tucked away in his bag. He sighed as they walked up the stairs to the bus, Cassy hidden in his jacket to keep her warm and he knew Jon and Spencer wouldn't realize she was on the outside now, as they had gotten different flights. "Hey!" he says to his other two band members.

Spencer gives him a concerned look. "What happened to you two?" he asked, crossing his arms. "We thought your plane crashed or something."

"Nope," Ryan replied, smiling. "We had some issues to take care of." He turned to look at Brendon, who was positively glowing. "You want the honors of telling them, B?"

Brendon smiled at his two friends before unveiling the little girl and grinning proudly. "I'ld like you to meet baby Cassadee Grace Ross." Brendon then leans in and kisses Ryan happily. "I went into labor on the flight," he says as if it were no big deal but both boys' jaws hit the floor and he giggles slightly. "Anyway, Ryan you get to keep hold of Cassy while I go bitch out Pete for making me have my baby on a goddamn plane." Brendon carefully transfers the girl to Ryan before walking off and Brendon's shouting of swears at their boss can be heard.

Spencer shakes his head and he moves forward, looking at the girl. "She's kinda pink," he says, gently poking her but jumping back as she starts screaming, obviously not liking Spencer's poking.

"Spence!" Ryan whines, cuddling the baby close and shushing her, although not nearly as good at it as Brendon. "You don't poke a baby!"

Jon just shook his head, getting up as well to take a look at the newest member of the Panic! family. "You're an idiot, Smith." He takes a good look at the girl, smiling softly. "She's got your nose, Ryan."

Brendon then returned soon after, looking quite flustered. "Ry... Remind me to kill Pete when we get home," he says before stealing the girl back and holding her happily. "Once she's a couple months old we'll introduce her to the world, like take her to an interview," he says with a grin. Everyone now knew Brendon had a vag and was expecting.


Brendon sighs as he steps off the plane, baby carrier held tightly in his hand, the singer glancing down at the tiny girl every few seconds. It was then Brendon spotted the short man in a hoodie and texting or twittering on his phone. "Wentz," he growls as he walks up to him. "Prepare to die," he says simply.

"Pete, you are so in for it, I suggest you find a bodyguard, fast," Ryan called from a few feet behind Brendon, laughing a little as he caught up with him.

Pete looked up at his two proteges, closing his phone with a grin. He waved off Ryan's warning and beamed at Brendon. "Hey, you had the baby! Is it a boy or a girl?"

Brendon glared harshly at Pete. "A girl, and I had her ON THE FUCKING PLANE," he snapped, tempted the punch the older man in the face. Brendon let out a soft growl. "Thank you so, so much, Wentz. Because of you making us go to Europe I had to go through childbirth without ANY pain meds. You're lucky both Cassy and I are ok," he growls.

Pete's eyes grew wide and he shrunk back from the temperamental singer. "Whoah, whoah, dude, chill out. I didn't know you were gonna have her so soon," he ventured, making excuses.

Ryan looked at his wrist, checking an imaginary watch. "And Pete's demise will be in 3, 2, 1." He stood back, ready to pull Brendon off of their boss if things got out of hand.

Brendon carefully set Cassy down before he was in Pete's face "You lied to the airline, you told them I was sixth months! They don't let people 7 months pregnant fly and you knew I was almost NINE months you bastard," He growled before shoving the bassist, glaring down at him harshly.

Pete swallowed, trying to find a way out of this. He shot Ryan a helpless look over Brendon's shoulder. "Hey, I never told them anything. I didn't know they didn't let anyone past 7 months fly. They just assumed you weren't that far along. Either that or they figured it was an important flight," he added, trying to sound convincing, trying to take the blame off himself. Brendon may act like a guy, but he could still be a real bitch if he wanted to, and he really didn't want that kind of wrath directed at himself.

Brendon glared "Oh yeah you convinced them, Wentz, thanks." The singer then shoves Pete before punching him in the face and letting out a breath before smiling. "That felt good," he said before picking up Cassy's baby carrier and cooing softly at the sleeping girl.

Pete stumbled back against the wall he had been leaning on, clutching his nose. He pulled his hand back to check for blood; there was a small amount, but nothing too serious. "Ah fuck," he muttered, going back to holding his face. "Okay, I think I deserved that," he mumbled, giving up.

Ryan chuckled lightly, patting Brendon's shoulder. "You alright, Wentz?" he called mockingly, knowing he'd be fine.

Brendon grinned, pecking Ryan's lips lightly. "Lets go home?" he asked with a smile. He then smiles down at Cassy as she starts stirring and whining. "Aw somebody's hungry," Brendon says softly, sighing unhappily. "Can you wait till we get home, Cass?" he asks as they walk towards the long term parking lot, Ryan pulling their bags. Brendon sighs as Cassy's screaming gets louder and Brendon picks her up out of the carrier, cradling her gently "I guess I could feed you in the car," he says before opening the passenger door, sitting down and unbuttoning his shirt slightly before letting the girl suckle.

Ryan finishes loading their luggage into the car before getting into the driver's seat and starting the car. He looks over at his lover and their baby and can't help but smile.


Brendon smiled as he balanced the now three month old Cassy on his hip as he walked into the studio, Ryan, Spencer and Jon following closely behind and Brendon smiled as the interviewer's face lit up at the little girl in Brendon's arms. Cassy's blue eyes were now fading to a deep hazel and Brendon loved the color. "Hi," he greeted the woman softly.

"Good morning boys! And the little lady," the interviewer added, looking at the child. "Please, do have a seat and we can get started." She waited for them all to sit on the offered couch, large enough to accommodate all five of them. "So, we have some fan questions for you guys. First one is..." She pulls out a small piece of paper. "Cindy from Montana. 'What's it like being a mom in an all guy band?'"

Brendon glances down at Cassy cradled in his arms and shrugs, smiling softly. "I don't know. I mean it's not really any different," he smiles slightly, laughing gently. "Jon and Spence wear ear plugs on the bus so Cassy won't wake them," he says, thinking. "I guess it's kinda nice cause she has her dad and her two uncles around all the time and she's more of an attention whore than I am," he says with a grin.

"It's true," Ryan agrees, nodding and petting the soft hair growing on Cassy's head. "And I thought it was bad when Brendon wouldn't leave me alone," he adds jokingly, grinning over at Brendon.

The interviewer grins at the joke. "Alright, the next one is from Megan in Washington state: 'What's the baby's name?' And a great question it is, what is the lovely little girl's name, everyone would love to know. Any special person you named her after, any traditions, things like that?"

Brendon rolled his eyes at Ryan before turning back to the interviewer. "Well the story behind her birth is kinda funny," he says softly, sitting her in his lap, waiting to see if she would stay sitting up and smiling as she stayed upright. "I went into labor on the flight to London for our UK tour. I named her Cassadee after the medical student that helped us. Her middle name is Grace after my mother and her last name is Ross," he says with a smile. "So she's Cassadee Grace Ross and she's just over three months old."

"And have you seen Pete's face lately?" Jon cut in. "Yeah, Brendon did that."

"Yeah, Brendon and I were not happy about going on that tour," Ryan adds. "We got home and Brendon nearly killed Pete, he was so mad at him."

Brendon grins shyly. "Well having this little one HURT and I had planned on being on whatever drugs I could to dull the pain, having her on a plane didn't give me that option," he said with a shrug, holding her hands lightly, sticking his tongue out at her and the girl grinned happily. Brendon then leaned down and kissed the girl's nose.

The interviewer smiled. "Sounds like an adventure. Alright, so Nikki from Nevada would like to know if she could babysit. Well, at least she's in the correct state," she laughed lightly, knowing there were hundreds of others from across the ocean asking the same question. "Will you be leaving her in someone else's care while on your next tour?"

Brendon widens his eyes at the question and his hold on Cassy goes protective. "Uhhh... If we leave her with anyone it would be with my parents, but I doubt we'll leave her behind. She's a member of the Panic! family, and everyone at Decaydance and FBR love her," he says looking down at his daughter. "You don't want to be left behind, huh kiddo?" he asks.

Spencer smiles softly. "We're all really fond of her and all of us have learned how to deal with her weird sleeping hours, well weird for us," he joked with a smile, "And it would be weird not having her around."

Ryan nodded his agreement. "I wouldn't let my daughter out of my sight if my life depended on it. During shows she'll be with our friends or Zack backstage, but we wouldn't dare leave her behind." He shook his head a little. "I mean, we realize how hard it will be raising a child on a bus, how annoying all the media will be with her around, but we think it'll be a better outcome if she's with us while she grows up."

“Well, I wish you boys the best of luck, then," the interviewer said with a smile. "This next question from Abigail in Tennessee is for you, Ryan, or well, she may need Brendon's permission as well," she giggles. "Abigail wants to know if she can still marry you, Ryan."

Ryan's eyes go wide. "Uhm, no." He puts his arm around Brendon and grins at him. "Brendon's my one and only, whether we're legally tied or not."

Brendon laughs and pulls Ryan into him, kissing him "Mine," he says with a grin. before letting Ryan go, laying his head on his lover's shoulder. "Sorry Abigail sweetie, he's miiiiiiine," he says with a laugh, Cassy joining in on the laughing.

Spencer rolls his eyes, huffing slightly and pouting as he looks at Jon. "No one ever wants to marry us... I guess it's the beards," he says with a shrug.

“It's okay, Spence, I'll marry you," Jon replies in a dreamy voice, making heart eyes at Spencer and puckering his lips.

Spencer grimaces "Ew, no thanks fag. Just cause no one wants to marry me doesn't mean I'll go for gay marriage with you." Spencer shakes his head, sticking his tongue out.

Psh, you're mean, Smith. I never loved you anyway," Jon huffed, a smile ruining his pout.

The interviewer simply blinks. "Okay... This one is from Kyle in Texas: 'Brendon, you turned me straight, will you have my babies?'"

Spencer rolled his eyes at Jon before bursting out laughing at the question for Brendon.

Brendon turns bright red, smiling shyly. "Uh, no," he says, looking down at Cassy.

"Like I said before, Brendon is mine," Ryan added, trying not to let his voice drop to an overprotective growl, but it kind of did anyway. "He only has my babies." He looked over at Brendon then. "Well, that is if you want them," he finished with a smirk.

Brendon laughed, patting Ryan's knee. "Try not to scare our fans, ok Ry?" he asked with a laugh as he laid his head on Ryan's shoulder, Cassy was now asleep, draped across Ryan and Brendon's laps the way she liked.

"Yeah, Ross, remember they think you're just a skinny little twig that couldn't punch his way out of a paper sack," Jon cut in, leaning over to catch his eye.

Ryan glared at Jon, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, boys, last question. This is from anonymous in Utah and they would like to know..." The interviewer laughed as she read over the question, quickly regaining her composure. "Anonymous would like to know, Brendon... exactly how big IS Ryan?"

Brendon nearly fell over laughing, glancing at Ryan before remarking "Well he does have long fingers," and doing his signature eyebrow wiggle before looking back at Ryan, wondering if he's allowed to share for real.

Ryan covers his mouth a little embarrassedly, laughing. "Oh wow. Uhm." He looks over at Brendon, shaking his head. "That's not, ahh. That's a little personal to get into specifics with, really," he mutters, still laughing and blushing a little.

Brendon chuckles "Guess you're not a showy as Pete," he says with a smirk, leaning in close to the camera. "let me just tell you this, size is nothing if he doesn't have skills," he says, leaning back against Ryan. "And Ryan has skills."

Ryan's face gets even redder, biting his lip and looking anywhere but the camera.

"We really didn't need to know that, Brendon," Jon comments, grinning anyway because he's heard those two in the bunks before.

Brendon laughs at Ryan softly, kissing the top of his head. "You're too modest to be in show biz, Ry," he teases before rolling his eyes at Jon. "Shut up Walker, you've seen all of us naked and we've seen you naked, too." Brendon then turns back to the interviewer. "Only disadvantage of living on a bus. You see your band mates naked WAYYY too much."

The interviewer raises her eyebrows and nods. "Well, okay. That's all we have for you today, have a great day and we'll see you again sometime." She stands up then, ready to shake their hands as they leave.

Brendon raises an eyebrow before scooping up Cassy and shaking the woman's hand. Usually interviewers wanted to hear anything and everything they have to say. When they get outside he kisses Ryan, Cassy snuggled between them.

ryden, ryan ross, brendon urie, nc-17, one-shot

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