Will You Be My Baby? [Part Two]

Oct 09, 2009 16:46

Part One
Will You Be My Baby? [Part Two]
Part Three

Brendon had been emo and freaking out for a week. He couldn't believe it. He was fucking pregnant! He had been taking testosterone and he thought that because he hadn't been having his period he couldn't get pregnant. Apparently he had been wrong. Now he had to figure out how to tell Ryan. But in the mean time he had researched what he should and shouldn't do and he was sulking because Ryan had bought him a pack of red bull but he couldn't drink it. He was in his bunk, snuggled up under a blanket with his earbuds in and listening to some random thing his iPhone had given him.

Ryan was in the kitchenette looking in their fridge for something to drink when he spotted the pack of Red Bull he had bought for Brendon, unopened. Sighing, he closed the fridge door and stepped into the bunk area, pulling back Brendon's curtain and tugging one of the earbuds out of his ear. "Brendon, please tell me what's wrong, you've been acting weird all week. You didn't even drink the Red Bull I bought just for you."

Brendon looks up at Ryan before rolling over, sighing softly. He's not ready to tell Ryan. He does want Ryan to be there when he goes to the doctor for an ultrasound, but he's not sure he's ready to be like 'ohey Ryan! Guess what? I'm pregnant with your child! Isn't it great?!' Brendon digs in his bunk which has debris all over from vibrators, lube, and undies to books, notebooks and a stuffed animal or two, Brendon grabbing one of the latter, a bear that Ryan gave him to be precise.

Sighing again, Ryan crawls into the bunk with him, gently nudging him over so that he had room, laying an arm over the younger boy's waist. "Brendon, come on," he whined a little, nuzzling into Brendon's shoulder. "This is so unlike you, B, please cheer up?"

Brendon turns so he's looking at Ryan. "And if I don't?" he questions, watching Ryan's eyes with curiosity, snuggling into Ryan with the teddy bear between them. He snuggles into Ryan with a gentle smirk on his lips. "Maybe I'm emo cause I'm on my period," he teased lightly, though his eyes showed he was severely worried about something.

Ryan almost retorted with, 'You don't have periods, B,' but he had to remind himself that Brendon technically was a girl, so yeah, he could have periods. "Your emoness does not correspond to a previous bout of emoness a month ago, therefore, I don't believe you," he teased back before his face grew serious again. "So please, tell me what's wrong," he pleaded, running his fingers through Brendon's hair.

Brendon sighs and nuzzles Ryan playfully. "Noooo," he tells the older, kissing Ryan. Brendon's arms wrap around Ryan's neck, pulling him close. "When I get brave enough to tell our fans that I have a vag would admit we're together?" That had been one of the things bothering Brendon, though it was the smallest. Well maybe not the smallest as his thoughts about needing to get a new mic are smaller in his opinion.

Smiling, Ryan presses a kiss to the other's forehead. "Is that all? Of course I would, B." Ryan knows that's not the whole problem, however. Brendon wouldn't get this upset over something as trivial as that, especially when he knows the answer already.

Brendon smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes. "No but I don't want to tell you, not yet," he admits and his smile fades, the younger sighing softly as he kissed Ryan sweetly. He lets a hand tangle in the older's hair. Brendon smiles a little happily at being close to Ryan, pushing the bear back in his bunk and pressing himself flat against Ryan.

Ryan happily lets Brendon snuggle against him, liking his warmth and cuddliness despite him being upset. "If I made love to you, would you tell me?" he whispers, kissing Brendon's cheek but not pushing the issue. Brendon tended to act like a girl when it came to sex, and understandably so, only wanting it when he was 'in the mood'. Now probably wasn't the best time, but Ryan figured he could try if it got Brendon talking.

Brendon looks up at Ryan from under his messy hair. "Maybe," he says softly, kissing Ryan softly and smiling slightly. Brendon lets out a soft and content smile as he lets his hands run down Ryan's chest, his fingers curling around the hem of Ryan's shirt, pushing it up slightly. "Just maybe I'll tell you," he teases.

"Maybe?" Ryan repeats, grinning. "Well, that's a better chance than I've been getting so far." He tugs his shirt off, throwing it to the foot of the bunk before wrapping an arm around Brendon's waist and pulling him close. "I think I'll just take my chances then," he adds with a grin, pressing a light kiss to Brendon's lips.

Brendon chuckles softly, pressing kisses to Ryan's neck and pulls away, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the foot of his bunk, pushing Ryan down slightly and kissing him rather hard, wanting to assert his masculinity. That past week Brendon had felt like he had been losing his masculinity and he really wasn't liking that. He had been feeling like he was Ryan's wife, more than his equal.

Ryan makes a surprised noise into the kiss, unaccustomed to Brendon taking charge. Okay, so even though Brendon was physically still a girl, Ryan shouldn't have been surprised that he'd eventually start wanting to act more like a guy in bed. But it was strange and unfamiliar; this whole situation with Brendon was, honestly, but it wasn't weird or awkward, and that was what counted.

Brendon smiled happily as he slid down Ryan's body slightly, his hands undoing the older's belt and then his pants and Brendon smirked as he slid first Ryan's pants and then his boxers off. Brendon takes Ryan's cock in his hand, the fingers of his free hand brushing over Ryan's semi-hard cock, licking his lips as he watched the older's cock get fully hard in front of his eyes. The singer then bites his lower lip, chewing on it slightly before leaning his head down and taking the head in his mouth, sucking experimentally, looking up at Ryan with his big, chocolate doe eyes, watching Ryan's reaction with curious eyes.

Ryan felt his skin spark with pleasure, whimpering softly as he watched Brendon wrap those plump lips around his cock. Since this all started, they hadn't done much more than basic sex, which, hey, maybe that's what Brendon was upset about. Maybe that was why he was now sucking lightly on the head of Ryan's cock, a question in those beautiful brown eyes. Letting out an encouraging groan, Ryan moved a hand down to brush the hair from Brendon's forehead.

Brendon smiled around Ryan's cock, letting his mouth slide down farther on it, taking more in. Brendon lets a breath out through his nose thats a little louder than he ment but he looks back up at Ryan as he bobs his head a few times, pulling slightly off and sucking on the head before pulling all the way off and licking Ryan's cock like it were made of candy. "Mmmm..." Brendon moaned softly, letting his teeth drag over the sensitive skin lightly.

Ryan's thigh is twitching from trying to keep still, not wanting to accidentally choke Brendon. "Fuck, you're not half bad at this...," he breathes, unable to take his eyes off of Brendon's mouth, usually such an innocent part of Brendon now thrown in an obscene light, saliva slick lips suddenly a lot more suggestive.

Brendon smiles up at Ryan. "Having fun?" he questions, voice teasing and playful as the fingers of his right hand dance over the guitarist's cock. He smiles as he moves up Ryan's body but keeps his hand moving teasingly on his sensitive skin. "Mmm... I need help with my pants, Ry. Be a gentleman?" he coos, batting his eyelashes at the other, and yeah, that is TOTALLY girlly instead of male-ish, but Brendon's inner femininity is crawling it's way out of hiding. Brendon guesses it the whole combo of being pregnant, going off his testosterone and taking prenatal vitamins that's bringing the girl side of him out.

Biting his lip and grinning a little, Ryan's hands easily find the fly of Brendon's pants, quickly undoing them and pushing them down as far as he can get them from his position. Brendon's wearing those lavender panties again and Ryan's grin widens as he plays with the elastic. "Do you need help with these, too, princess?" he jokes with a smirk, teasing the skin on Brendon's hip just above the waistband.

Brendon raises an eyebrow, giving Ryan a bitch face, grabbing Ryan's wrists and digging his nails into Ryan's tattoos slightly. "I'm not a mother fucking princess," he says with a playful smirk as he leans into Ryan and kisses him deeply, trying to fight against him for dominance in the kiss. He lets go of Ryan's wrists, letting the older slide his undies off and gasping into the kiss as Ryan brushed his heat, the younger whimpering and pressing a hand down to the bunk next to Ryan's head, trying to keep himself upright. They had been fucking pretty much everyday but even so Brendon was overwhelmed each time with the pleasure that radiated through him, having a hard time keeping himself up. "Fuck, Ry," he gasps.

A smug look planted itself on Ryan's face as he slid his fingers around the wetness of Brendon's pussy, enjoying the younger boy's reaction. "You wanna be on top this time?" he asks quietly, brushing Brendon's clit with the heel of his hand, gently pressing his fingers against his entrance. Considering how he'd been acting this whole time, Ryan figured Brendon wanted to prove himself a little.

Brendon grinned and nodded at Ryan, kissing him fiercely before pulling away slightly, digging the lube out, not noticing he had undug his prenatal vitamins to where Ryan could see them. Brendon smiled happily as he poured some lube over Ryan's cock and making it even with his hand, wiping his hand on the sheets before letting himself sink down on Ryan's cock, eyes shutting and the boy moaning. He could hear Spencer and Jon's snickers from the hallway and he rolled his eyes. "Oh shut the fuck up you two! just because you're not getting any doesn't mean you have to laugh at me and Ryan!" He calls in a breathy, yet unhappy voice and both of the other shut up immediately.

Ryan let out a breathy laugh, sliding his hands up Brendon's thighs to his hips, licking his lips a little. As often as they had been having sex, Brendon was still deliciously tight, and Ryan hummed contentedly, pressing his fingers into Brendon's soft skin.

Brendon smirks slightly as he rocks his hips as he pulls himself up and letting himself slide back down. The singer's hands bracing himself on Ryan's chest and Brendon leans down for a kiss, letting out whimpering moans. "Make me cum, Ry. Please, make me cum hard," he whispers in the other's ear, biting it gently before he quickened his pace, his moans getting louder and he smiles softly as he presses his forehead to Ryan's "God I love you Ry. Oh fuck I love your cock too," he moans, biting his lip hard.

Letting his hips buck up to meet Brendon's thrusts, Ryan trailed one hand from the other's hip to his clit, circling the bundle of nerves lightly, only teasing. He wanted to get a little closer before he started actually trying to get Brendon to come; the sex was a lot more fun for Ryan if he got to come inside the younger boy.

Brendon bit his lower lip hard, tightening himself around Ryan as he slid up and down, wanting both to get the other off and get himself off. Brendon had been rather horny today. He blamed it on begging pregnant. "Fuck," he gasps, grinding against Ryan and rocking back into his thrusts. "God Ryan, fuck, harder," he demands in a moan, bringing his nails down along Ryan's chest and making sure to leave marks.

Groaning, Ryan's back arches into Brendon's hands, his own fingers gripping Brendon's hip tightly as he digs his heels into the mattress to get better leverage. He presses his thumb hard against Brendon's clit then, letting Brendon's movement produce the needed friction. For some reason he had been extremely horny today, something he really couldn't explain, and it was easier for him to get closer to orgasm this time. Who knew, it could have been that Brendon was on top, too.

Brendon moaned appreciatively, leaning down and kissing Ryan hard and after a few more minuets of their pace Brendon was arching and gasping and moaning Ryan's name loudly, biting his own lower lip in a failed attempt to silence himself. He continues moving, waiting for Ryan's soft gasps and the boy's moan of Brendon's name. Brendon also kept bouncing until he felt Ryan's cum in him and the singer smiled slightly, something about that feeling making him smile happily.

Panting a little, Ryan let his head fall to the side where he noticed a small bottle of what looked like vitamins. Picking it up, he eyed it carefully. "Hey, Bren, what's this?" he asked, still a little breathless.

Brendon carefully let Ryan slide out of him and he glanced down to the bottle Ryan was looking at and Brendon's face paled noticeably. "U-uh..." he stuttered softly, chewing on his lip. "Well I'm a girl. And when boys and girls have unprotected sex they make babies," he whispered softly, head hung slightly as he prayed Ryan hadn't heard him. Brendon sighs nervously as he glances up to meet the guitarist's hazel eyes.

Ryan hears and his eyes snap up to look at Brendon. He blinks absently at him before realization slowly spreads across his face. Dropping the bottle, he gingerly reaches out to touch Brendon's flat stomach just below his navel. "You mean you... I didn't think you... I'm gonna be a dad?" he finally asks, biting his lip and looking back up into Brendon's eyes, a vaguely scared but hopeful look on his face.

Brendon nods, biting his lip softly "I... I'm sorry Ryan... I... I thought because I was on testosterone I couldn't get pregnant..." he says softly and nervously. The singer sighs as he hugs himself. "I... I'll go away," he says softly, getting ready to crawl out of the bunk, pouting unhappily at himself as he unstraddled Ryan. He sighed softly as he moved to hop down on the ground.

"Brendon, wait," Ryan whispered, pulling him down next to him. "You're keeping it, right?" he asked quietly, nuzzling Brendon's cheek. "I don't want you to go away."

Brendon let himself be pulled back, eyes widening at Ryan "You want me to keep it?" he asks in an astonished whisper, mouth hanging slightly slack. He couldn't believe Ryan wanted a baby. "But, wouldn't a baby mess things up right now?" Brendon highly doubted it. He thought the fans would go insane finding out he was a girl and that Ryden was real and there was a Ryden baby on the way.

Ryan hadn't really thought about it, hadn't really had that much time to think about it. He grinned anyway. "It's up to you. If you want fans to know you're a girl, if you really want to have my baby-" he bit his lip and smiled at that thought, his heart fluttering a little, "-then go for it. I'll be right here next to you. But if not, you know... that. That's okay too." And he meant it; as much as he would be happy having a kid with Brendon, he could handle it if Brendon didn't want it. "It's totally up to you," he repeated.

Brendon took one of Ryan's hands, thumb brushing over his knuckles and he looks up at the other. "Promise you'll never think of me as a girl?" Brendon really wanted to have Ryan's baby. "And that you'll be here for me and our baby every step of the way, because truthfully right now I'm scared shitless." Brendon then cups Ryan's face, kissing him sweetly.

"I never stopped thinking of you as a boy," Ryan answered truthfully, blushing a little at the implications of that statement that he hoped Brendon didn't catch. "And I will. I will be here for you and the baby whether we're this close or a thousand miles away." He pressed a kiss to Brendon's nose, smiling. "And I'll do it because I love you so, so much, Brendon."

Brendon grinned happily, taking Ryan's hands and pressing them to his stomach. "I've been depressed this week cause I found out. I was terrified about what you'd say and how to tell you." Brendon leans in and kisses Ryan. "And I can't have caffeine," he adds with a pout. He's then thinking. "We're gonna be in Vegas tonight, right?" He's nibbling on his lip as he thinks. Brendon always lost track of where the fuck they were. Spencer and Ryan were brilliant at keeping track and Brendon envied both of them.

Ryan's fingers tingle where they're pressed to Brendon's stomach; Brendon's nowhere near big enough to feel yet, but just the knowledge of his son or daughter forming in there gives him a rare thrill. At the caffeine comment, Ryan laughs. "No wonder you didn't drink that Red Bull," he replies, thinking on Brendon's question. "Yeah, Vegas is tonight. Why?"

Brendon smiles as he snuggles Ryan, keeping the older's hands on his stomach. "Well why not let our loyalest fans spread the word? About my real gender and about our baby?" he asked softly as he laid back in the bunk with Ryan. "I'm gonna need to go to the doctor soon. Get an ultrasound and make sure nothings wrong. Also I want to find out how far along I am," he babbled before laying his head on Ryan's chest.


Brendon smiled nervously over at Ryan as they finished Lying, the younger walking over to Ryan and draping an arm around his shoulders which evoked a lot of screams from the crowd. Brendon then looked over all the faces he could see. "Tonight there's something I need to and want to announce, a couple somethings," he glances at Ryan before taking a deep breath. "Anatomy-wise... I'm a girl," he says slowly and nervously and he can see a few girls faces glare, a few start sobbing and some of the guys grin and Brendon could feel some guys eye raping him and he sighed softly. "And Ryan and I are together..." he smiled at the guitarist, biting his lower lip before pressing a kiss to Ryan's lips which earned loud screams from the girls. "Ryan you wanna say the rest?" he asks softly, holding the mic away from his mouth.

Ryan bit his lip and smiled proudly at Brendon, nodding and taking a deep breath away from the mic. "Brendon and I are together," he repeated, cupping Brendon's cheek. "And we're going to have a baby." The crowd hesitated for a second before hundreds of them started cheering excitedly, a few of the girls even crying, some of the guys catcalling and yelling, "Go Ryan!" Blushing furiously, he bit his lip again and bowed his head, grinning from ear to ear.

Brendon grinned happily, pecking Ryan's lips before looking out over the crowd. "and I promise we'll keep you updated through twitter!" he says, kissing Ryan again and he hears Jon say "Now they're gonna start fucking like dogs," into his mic and Brendon drifted away from Ryan, a huge grin and a slight blush on his face as he motioned for the rest of the guys to start But It's Better and he sang it flawlessly, the rest of the set going amazingly.

Brendon grinned as Panic walked off stage, Brendon pulling Ryan into a deep kiss. "Meet and Greet time, fun huh?" he asks the guitarist who has a light coating of sweat on his skin while Brendon had it rolling off his face. "You look really sexy when you're sweaty..." he whispered in Ryan's ear before biting his earlobe gently.

Laughing, Ryan playfully shoved him away. "Eww, Urie, you're all sweaty and gross," he mocked, laughing the whole time. Still smiling, he pulled Brendon back to him for a kiss, showing him that he really didn't care that he was all sweaty. "But yeah, M&G. This will be interesting."

Brendon nodded, the two showering together and Brendon swatting Ryan's hands as they traveled to places where they didn't belong. He smiled softly, kissing Ryan. "Later tonight, Love," he said. They then got out and got dressed, Brendon pulling on a pink v-neck and jeans before pulling on his bright red skater shoes and he waits for Ryan, finding a cheese stick and eating it hungrily. "Did you know I'm supposed to gain 40 pounds during my whole pregnancy?" he asked, voice mildly amused.

Ryan pulls on his neon blue v-neck and a pair of skinny jeans, digging around for some shoes. "As long as all that goes to the baby and not your face, I'm totally cool with that," Ryan replies, bracing for something to get thrown at him. He finally finds an old pair of Vans and pulls them on.

Brendon rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes to the baby, Smart-ass," he huffs, walking over and pulling Ryan to him, kissing him sweetly. "Be nice unless you want to loose your dick," Brendon teases before hugging him and sighing before Zack led them to the table where they sat and signed stuff, most people smiling at Ryan and Brendon and congratulating them.

It wasn't until the end when a little 13 year old girl was getting A Fever signed she looked up at Brendon and pouted "How come you don't have boobs, Bden?"

Brendon blushed slightly and looked over at Ryan, chuckling softly. "I was a ballerina for most of my life and they just kinda never developed." Brendon then smiles at the little girl as Jon hands him the CD "What's your name, Sweetie?" he asks gently and she grins, telling him 'Rosie' and he nods, signing the CD 'To Rosie, love Bden Urie<3' He then passed it to Ryan, chatting with the girl's mom softly, the mom asking Brendon if he had researched and warning him of things he might not have found in his research and he thanked her, standing and hugging the girl before Zack led them back to the bus. "I want a daughter," he says to Ryan, squeezing his hand.

Ryan grins, squeezing Brendon's hand back. "I think a girl would be nice. I don't know if I could handle raising a boy." He raises a thoughtful finger to his bottom lip, considering. "Well, I probably could, but I think I'd like to have a girl, too." He glances over at Brendon with a smile on his face. "That last little girl, Rosie. She was cute."

Brendon nods. "Her mom gave me some good tips, too," he says, thinking. "She said that when she was pregnant with Rosie she found she could only sleep well on her side, but she had a friend who could only sleep on her back, so that's something nice to know." Brendon got VERY grumpy when he missed sleep. "So... Hotel night tonight, anything fun planned, my prince?" he asked with a smile as he held Ryan's hand. "We can have a boy AND a girl, you know," he said with a huge grin.

Ryan's eyes went wide. "Let's worry about the first one first, shall we?" he replied a little worriedly, but a small grin crossed his face. "And I didn't have anything exactly planned, but ah..." He gestured vaguely with his free hand. "You know," he added with a crooked smirk.

Brendon let his head lay on Ryan's shoulder, leaning up and kissing him "Ok," he told the other softly, smiling as they got onto the bus, Brendon cuddling into Ryan. "I'm guessing you had sexytimes planned?" he asked with a snicker, kissing Ryan's neck softly, nibbling on it gently.

"No, I was planning to read a book the whole time and completely ignore you," Ryan deadpanned, rolling his eyes. "Of course I did. I just, you know, didn't have anything in specific planned." Ryan hummed appreciatively at Brendon's mouth on his neck, his own hands beginning to wander. "Did you have any ideas?"

Brendon shrugged. "Not really," he mumbled. "Maybe new position? Maybe you bottoming?" he suggested softly with a playful smirk, pulling Ryan up and towards the bunks, pulling out a harness and showing it to Ryan with a winning grin. He then lets the grin fade to a smile, kissing him rather hard. "Like maybe me fucking you? Yes, yes?" he asks with a pout.

Ryan can feel his brain fizzle a little. "Oh. Oh, wow. Brendon, holy god...," he breathes, trying to regain function of his vocal chords. He blinks a couple of times. "You have no idea... yes. Please," he adds in a whisper, pulling Brendon in for another kiss, already getting uncomfortable at just the thought.

Brendon smirked into the kiss, pulling away slightly "Whoa boy, we gotta wait till we get to the hotel." He tells Ryan with a chuckle, putting the harness back in his back before hopping in and pulling Ryan with him, pulling the older on top of him and just spending the trip to the hotel making out with the other.

Ryan pretty much drags Brendon up to the hotel when they arrive, making sure he grabs all the necessities before going up. Ryan takes both their keycards from Zack without a word before heading to their room, pulling Brendon in behind him when he finally gets the door open. The door barely has time to swing shut before Ryan has Brendon by the waist, pressing him close and kissing him hard.

Brendon laughed slightly as Ryan all but attacked him with his dick. "Holy shit Ry!" he giggles, kissing Ryan back before pulling away enough so he can breathe. "Jeeez someone's horny!" he teased, kissing him deeply. "Don't squish us," he joked as Ryan pulled Brendon to him tightly.

“You have no idea how long I've wanted you to fuck me," Ryan muttered quickly, leading Brendon over to the bed. "We're talking far back enough that I thought you even had a cock to do it with." Kissing Brendon again, he started pulling off his shirt, his cock straining painfully against his tight jeans. "Please..."

Brendon laughs softly, helping Ryan out of his jeans. "you'll have to promise to fuck me... I want to get off too, ya know," he tells Ryan as he pulls off his own shirt and works on his jeans, sliding them off to reveal a pink lacey thong. Brendon always put on his undies and jeans away from Ryan because he loved seeing Ryan's face when he pulled off his jeans and revealed whatever pair of undies he was wearing. he then pulls the harness and vibrator out of his bag, along with a bottle of lube and smiling at Ryan.

Grinning playfully, he places a hand over his heart. "I promise... as soon as I can get it back up." He then trails his hands down to play with the thin lace of Brendon's thong, wandering fingers dipping under the thin fabric. "How can I resist this anyway?"

Brendon grins happily, straddling Ryan's waist and kissing him hard. "You are such a kiss ass," he mumbles against the others lips happily. "Care to help a lady out of his panties?" he teased with a grin as he pulled away from Ryan slightly.

Making a face, Ryan eagerly pushes Brendon's thong down and off, swiping a finger across his clit once before wriggling out of his own underwear and throwing them aside. As he waits for Brendon to get ready, Ryan decides to be even more playful. "And you have to go slow, Brendon. Remember, I'm a virgin!" he says, pouting a little but ruining it by letting a grin break through slightly.

Brendon grins, taking the lube and coating three of his fingers before slipping one into Ryan, smiling softly and laughing at Ryan's comment. "Oooooh, my Rywhore is a virgin!" he giggled, leaning down and kissing Ryan's stomach with a gentle smile, free hand brushing over Ryan's chest and stomach. He presses gently on Ryan stomach "Just think, there's a baby growing inside meee," he coos softly, Brendon still happy about Ryan wanting him to keep the baby, Brendon realizing his week of worrying had been in vain.

Exhaling and spreading his legs a little farther, Ryan tries to get his muscles to relax around Brendon's finger. He'd done this to himself a couple of times, experimentation more than anything (okay, that one time in the shower he totally made himself come doing it, but whatever, no one knew about that), but each time it was always like the first time all over again. He nods at Brendon when he thinks he can handle the next one.

Brendon smiles softly and carefully slides a second finger into Ryan, biting his lip at the other's tightness. "oh fuck Ry. You're so tight. I wish I had a cock to fuck you with," he said softly, voice breathy as he spread his fingers gently, sliding them in and out. Brendon licked his lips as he curled his fingers in Ryan, trying to find his prostate.

The second finger burned but it felt good too, and Ryan let the pleasure part take over, relaxing his whole body. At least, until Brendon's fingers curled up against his prostate and he cried out, fingers scrabbling at the sheets. "Oh god, more, Bren."

Brendon smiled, licking Ryan's cock as he slid in his third finger into the older boy, curling all three fingers into Ryan's prostate. "You like that, my little slut?" he asked as he watched Ryan, letting his tongue lick up Ryan's cock a few more times. as he thrust his fingers in and out of Ryan, stretching him.

Groaning and rocking his hips onto Brendon's fingers, Ryan nodded, biting his lip. "Fuck, yes. Please, Brendon, fuck me. I want you so much," he begged, digging his fingernails into the bed.

Brendon laughs softly, pulling his fingers out before pulling on the harness and fastening it around himself tightly and attaching the vibrator before coating it thickly in lube before pressing into Ryan, biting his lip softly. Brendon felt his heart pang slightly at not being able to feel Ryan's warm tightness and he sighed softly, though the younger reminded himself Ryan loved him and that he's carrying Ryan's baby. "You like that?" he whispers into Ryan's ear, biting it a bit harder than before. "Of course you like that, you cock whore," he purrs seductively to Ryan with a smirk.

Ryan gasped loudly as Brendon pushed into him, suddenly realizing what it must have felt like for him his first time. The vibrator didn't look that big, but it felt like it, and he had to take a moment to get used to it. Brendon's dirty talk was making him shiver and he was soon begging for the younger boy to move, feeling a little sorry that he couldn't enjoy this half as much as Ryan was.

Brendon smiled as he slid in and out of Ryan, kissing him hard. 'How much of a dirty boy are you?" he purrs as he angles into Ryan's prostate, his teeth moving over the skin of Ryan's neck and down to his collar bone, sucking and biting it roughly.

Ryan bucked against Brendon's thrusts, vaguely thinking he kind of sounded like a whore when he moaned, possibly enjoying this a lot more than a straight guy should. Trailing a hand up Brendon's back and into his hair, he gripped firmly but didn't pull, just holding on. "Oh, I'm fucking dirty," he whispered, letting a grin tug at his lips. "So fucking dirty, you don't even know."

Brendon smirks and he twists the base of the vibrator, turning it on to a slow speed. "Mmm... that good for you my dirty little boy or do you want it faster?" he growled gently against Ryan's chest before he let his head slide down farther and suck on Ryan's left nipple, rolling it in his teeth. "God you're so dirty, you're a fucking pig," he growled.

Ryan writhed when the soft buzzing of the vibrator hit his prostate, whimpering and biting his lip from all the sensations. "Fuck... fuck, faster. Please, Brendon, god, I'm so dirty." Opening his eyes, he looked down at Brendon fucking him and sucking on his nipple, and his heart leapt. "God, Brendon... you're my man," he breathed, cupping his cheek.

Brendon smirked, turning the vibrator up high and thrusting in and out of Ryan as quickly as he could get his hips to move. This motion was something incredibly new to Brendon's body and he was loving having Ryan writhing below him. "You loving this, you dirty whore?" he purred against Ryan's chest, breath coming in hot puffs against the older's skin. "Mmm cum for me Ry, cum harder than you ever have. I know you love this." He purrs, licking up the line of Ryan's chest.

Ryan was making the most unflattering noises, holding on to Brendon's back tightly. The vibrator was doing unexplainable things to his insides and he knew this couldn't go on much longer. "Bren... Bren, fuck..." With only a few more thrusts, Ryan was arching his back and crying out loudly, muscles clenching uselessly around the vibrator as he came hard, splattering both of their stomachs.

Brendon grinned, pulling out and turning the vibrator off before detaching it from the harness and Brendon smiles as he slips it off, laying down next to Ryan and licking him clean before the younger fingered himself slowly and teasingly, letting out soft purring moans as he watched Ryan's chest rise and fall, waiting for Ryan to recuperate. "You like it, Ry?" he asked softly with a gentle loving smile.

Letting his head fall to the side, Ryan pressed a kiss to Brendon's shoulder, watching him finger himself. "Yeah," he sighed, beginning to feel the soreness he was sure wouldn't subside for a few hours at least. He rolled over onto his side then, figuring he could at least be useful, and nudged Brendon's hand away, beginning to finger him instead. "I loved it."

Brendon smiled, biting his lip slightly and letting out a soft moan as he leaned in and kissed Ryan slow and hot as the others fingers worked in him and he let out soft appreciative moan, a hand coming up and cupping Ryan's face "I'm glad you loved it Ry," Brendon says breathily, kissing his cheek and letting his lips trail lower again. "Oh! Fuck! Ry, please," he begs as Ryan touches a particularly good spot inside him, the boy biting his lower lip slightly as he found the guitarist's hazel eyes.

"Patience," Ryan muttered, reaching his free hand down to wrap around himself, still a little oversensitive but he moved his hand anyway, his cock slowly coming back to hardness; very slowly. "Give me another minute or two," he finally said, giving up for the moment and letting go.

Brendon nodded, kissing him. "I don't care if I have to wait an hour," he said with a gentle laugh, arms going around Ryan's middle and just holding him close, kissing him deeply and he's not sure how long they stay like that kissing but Brendon comes up coughing and choking for air, but he loved how the way they kissed and he didn't care if he died from lack of oxygen from kissing Ryan.

Ryan knew he wouldn't have to wait an hour, but let Brendon kiss him, trying not to worry about it because that wouldn't help at all. Focusing on making out with Brendon, he let his body do the work for him and after another minute, he was hard again, pressing against Brendon's thigh.

Brendon smiled down at Ryan's cock, fingers stroking him "Why hello there," he said with a laugh before licking his lips and kissing Ryan again "Mmmm... Fuck me slow Ry, make love to me," he asks softly, fingers moving over Ryan's chest and he smiles softly. "Show me how much you love me."

Ryan gave him a gentle smile, searching around for the lube before opening it and coating himself with a small amount. Positioning himself above Brendon, Ryan slowly guided himself in, pressing his lips to Brendon's when his hips hit the back of the other boy's thighs.

Brendon smiled, having gotten used to the stretch. He leans up, kissing Ryan as he wraps his legs around the older's waist "Mmmm Ryyy..." he moaned out, hands moving over Ryan's back in lavish strokes. "I love you, I love you Ry so so much," he purrs. He lets his fingers scratch Ryan's back a little.

Ryan hums at Brendon's hands on his back, starting up a slow rhythm. "I love you too, B," he whispers against Brendon's jaw, kissing down to his neck. He moves around to nip at the gentle swell of his adam's apple that the testosterone had caused him to grow before going lower to suck on his collarbone.

Brendon lets out little moan, holding onto Ryan and moving with him, the singer feeling that their bodies were making poetry. Brendon kissed Ryan happily, moving in sync with him "Oh yes Ryan, make love to me," he gasps softly, biting Ryan's lower lip gently, sucking it into his mouth as he arches gently into Ryan.

Ryan feels like their bodies are moving as one complete entity, and sex has never felt so good before, slow or not. He used to never be able to get off going this slow, but with Brendon, he thinks it might just be possible. With each thrust he pressed in deep, as deep as he could go, and he vaguely thinks, 'This is love in it's purest form.' He runs a gentle hand across Brendon's belly, thinking of the baby growing in there, and smiles.

Brendon didn't reach orgasm as quickly as he normally but it didn't take that long until Brendon was panting as they moved together, holding onto Ryan tighter, kissing him hard and panting out, "R-Ry!" and he looked up into Ryan's eyes, his breath hitching roughly as he came, muscles tightening and he arches slightly, letting out a soft, yet intimate moan of Ryan's name, biting his lip slightly as his eyes closed. Brendon let out a breath as he relaxed back down onto their bed, watching Ryan intently as he finishes and Brendon has this sweet smile on his lips before pressing them to Ryan's. "I love you... I love you so much, Ryan Ross," he says softly.


Brendon is fidgeting nervously in the waiting room, frowning as he realized the nurse was eyeing him like she knew they were from Panic!. Brendon lay his head on Ryan's shoulder and as if on que she walked up, smiling shyly at them and asking for autographs, Brendon huffing slightly before complying. He was now possibly two months, or so he guessed. They hadn't gotten a free day in what seemed like forever and Brendon was mildly resentful that he had to spend the only free day they had in months at the doctors. Brendon snickered as a perplexed nurse called "Mr.Urie?" and led him and Ryan back to a room.

Ryan thought this was a pretty shitty way to spend their free day as much as Brendon did, but he was going to finally be able to see his baby, so it wasn't a complete waste. The nurse led Brendon and him into a room with a bed and a large machine with a computer screen. It was pretty much empty besides that, a few posters and charts on the otherwise blank white walls.

Brendon sighed softly, sitting up on the table and laying back, chewing on his lip slightly. he was starting to to show just slightly and whenever Ryan would catch some skin of his stomach the other would grin and Brendon would just roll his eyes.

Doctor Asher then walked in, arching an eyebrow at Brendon. "Mister... Urie?" She asked, mildly perplexed. Brendon nodded. She shrugged. Obviously he looked pregnant so she figured he'ld been gender re-assigned. She gently pushed Brendon's shirt up and smiled. "This is gonna be cold," she warned before pouring some blue gel on his stomach, Brendon gasping softly. "How far along do you think you are?"

Brendon smiled softly as she picked up the ultrasound wand, pressing it lightly to his stomach and moving it around. "A little under or over two months?" he supplied, not at all sure. She just nodded as a wet wooshing sound filled the room.

She turned to both boys, smiling "That's your baby's heartbeat, nice and steady and very strong," she told them as she moved the wand around, pausing on the baby "And this... Is your baby," she told them. "Would you like a picture?" she asked, "most women like making scrap books with their ultrasound pictures and pictures of the baby once its born."

Brendon nods and smiles, holding Ryan's hand.

Ryan gasped when he could see the small, baby shaped form on the screen, squeezing Brendon's hand and letting his other come up to cover his mouth. He had seen babies before, but this... this one was his. He could feel happy tears prick his eyes, but he held them back, simply staring at the image of the baby - his baby, their baby.

Brendon smiles as Dr. Asher continues to check everything, informing Brendon everything seemed fine except he was a little under weight and that it would be ok to gain more than he was supposed too. She then gave him the to pictures and handed him a paper towel, helping Brendon wipe the goo off his stomach and helping him down. She then smiles as the two boys leave, Brendon grinning and kissing Ryan hard "I love you! I love love love love you!" he said, nearly jumping into Ryan's arms. "Take us out to lunch?" He asks with a cute pout.

Ryan laughs a little, still a little choked up but controlling it; he was a man, damnit. "I'll take you wherever you want to go, Bden," he replies, kissing Brendon's nose. "Gotta fatten you up, Mom," he adds mockingly.


Brendon grins as his fingers fly over the buttons on the little plastic guitar as he sat between Ryan's legs on the floor, Brendon's stomach sticking way out now he was around five months and fans often wanted to touch his stomach but he was very wary of letting people touch him. "HAHA SMITH! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" he told the other as he tilted the guitar and activated his star power and won the guitar battle, Brendon grinning happily.

"You fuckin' suck, Brendon," Spencer whined, kicking the air in Brendon's general direction. "Why do you always win? I hate you."

Brendon grins. "Because I'm a girl and girls are better at shit then boys!" He said with a chuckle. His voice had raised an octave in the past months, a side effect of being off the testosterone. He also had size double A boobs now, not that he minded. One doctor had brought the idea of breast feeding up to him and he had fallen in love with it. "Play again?" he asked happily, resting his head back on Ryan's crotch and letting himself get comfy.

Spencer sighed, going back to the song menu. "Sure, what song this time?"

Ryan chuckled at the two of them, playing with Brendon's hair. Brendon had started to look, sound, and even act a little more feminine lately, and sometimes it was hard to think of him as a guy still, but he did.

Brendon rolled his eyes, about to make a snide remark to the drummer when he gasped, hand moving to his stomach and he pulled off the guitar, reaching up and grabbing both of Ryan's hands, gently pressing the older's palms to where he felt the baby kicking. "Can you feel it? Can you feel our baby?" He asked as he looked up at Ryan, brown eyes wide and misty and a huge grin on the boy's face. Brendon knew Spencer was going to yell at them because he was being ignored.

Ryan could feel something gently bumping his hand through Brendon's skin and t-shirt, and it was an odd feeling, but Ryan grinned nonetheless. "Wow," was all he could say, mesmerized with this new life inside of Brendon.

Spencer would have glared at them, but could see how much this meant to them, and yeah, he supposed a baby was more important than him. "Brendon..." he whined a little, not really wanting to ruin the moment, but he wanted to play Guitar Hero really bad.

Brendon looked up at Ryan and grinned brightly. "If you think it feels weird, just imagine how it feels to me," he said with a gentle chuckle, turning his head and kissing Ryan's right inner thigh. Brendon did NOT feel like getting up just to kiss Ryan. He then looks at Spencer, pouting right back at him "Spencer..." he mimicked before motioning for Spencer to come over. "Come here, Smith," he teases.

Spencer sighs and takes off the guitar, setting it on the ground before going over to sit next to Brendon and Ryan. "What, you going to actually let someone besides Ryan touch your stomach now?"

Brendon rolled his eyes. "I'm just protective..." he mumbles in annoyance. "I just don't want any of our fans touching me, I swear some of those girls want to kill me and have Ryan for themselves or steal our baby," Brendon says with a skittish face as he looks up to meet Spencer's blue eyes. "But, I trust you Spencer, you Jon and Ryan," he says softly.

"Those fangirls scare me a little," Ryan agreed. "And half of them are like, what, fourteen?" He shuddered at the thought.

Spencer nodded and reached out to rest one of his hands next to Ryan's on Brendon's stomach, able to feel the baby kick every once in a while. "That's just crazy. I was too little to understand it all when Mom was pregnant with the twins. Too young to realize the importance of it all."

Brendon nodded in agreement with Ryan, laughing softly at Spencer's words. "It's important... It's a life. A life me and Ryan created," he says, tone showing he was deep in thought as he looked down at the hands on his stomach and he smiled happily before sighing softly. "I'm exactly where you'd like me," he spoke softly to Ryan, no clue why he was speaking those words at that moment but they seemed to fit. "Ok enough groping my stomach. I have a drummer to beat on guitar hero," he said with an evil grin.


Part Three

ryden, ryan ross, brendon urie, nc-17, one-shot

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