Will You Be My Baby? [Part One]

Oct 09, 2009 16:28

Title: Will You Be My Baby? [s/a]
Author:i_love_jersey , meiloslyther
Rating: NC-17 [What else should one be expecting by now?]
Warning: Gender-swap [Bden's a girl], pregnancy, strap-on and general toy use-age.
Pairing: Ryden/ Rydon
POV: 3rd
Summary: Brendon loves Ryan and he finally tells the other, and shares his biggest secret.
Word Count: 17,291 [:O]
Disclaimer: I'MA UNICORN!!!!
Beta: meiloslyther and i_love_jersey
Author Notes: This is the longest one-shot I've ever written which is TOTALLY awesome! Originally written as one whole thing but LJ and how it's written made me post it as three parts :|
Part Two Part Three

Brendon sighs as he walks out of the bathroom, one towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hands, furiously rubbing his hair. The brown eyed boy always thanked god now he had been a ballet dancer when he still identified with the female gender. He gasped, jumping slightly as he bumped into Ryan. He had really been falling for the other boy but he was terrified of what if he found out Brendon was missing certain anatomy down there.

Reaching a hand out to steady the other boy, Ryan let out a small laugh. "Whoa, there. You'll hurt yourself if you keep drifting off into space like that," he reprimanded jokingly, patting Brendon on the shoulder. The kid was really good looking like that, in only a towel, but Ryan just never really thought of him that way. Not that he wasn't attracted, because okay, maybe he was just a little, but he was more into girls than guys. Giving Brendon a soft smile, he stepped into the bathroom behind him, preparing to take his own shower.

Brendon had smiled and blushed when Ryan joked, the younger forcing out a gentle laugh but his smile fades as Ryan disappears into the bathroom. Brendon sighs as he walks into the back lounge, sighing as only Jon was there. Jon was his best friend, Spencer was Ryan's. Brendon pulled out a pair of panties that he now kept well hidden. Spencer had found one of his pairs of undies once and he had gotten away with saying they were from a pantie raid. He slid the undies on before pulling on his jeans, smiling at Jon as he waited for Ryan to get out of the shower.

Once Brendon heard the bathroom door open he stood, walking over to where the other would be grabbing clothes. Brendon sucked in a deep breath before placing a hand on Ryan's bare back, fingers trailing lightly "Hey, Ry," he said softly, nibbling on his lip.

Ryan startled, nearly dropping his towel in surprise. Clutching his free hand to his chest, he turned to the younger boy. "Sorry about that, must be jumpy today," he muttered, taking a breath. "What's up, B?" Spencer was probably the only person who knew about Ryan's thing with his back, so he really didn't blame Brendon for touching him there. Not his fault.

Brendon nibbled on his lip as he pulled his hand back, meeting Ryan's eyes and taking a deep breath before closing the space between them and kissing the other carefully, Brendon's hands staying on his thighs. He then pulls away, eyes finding Ryan's again as he nibbles on his lower lip. "I... I love you, Ry," he whispers nervously.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Ryan clears his throat a little, bringing his hand up to Brendon's on his face. "I... wow. Uhm, I really... I don't know what to say, Brendon." Pulling Brendon's hand away from his face, Ryan takes hold of it carefully, trying to be reassuring. He probably could have reacted better to this, but the other boy just caught him so off guard. "I'm... glad you had the balls to tell me and not be all weird about it? Uhm, I'm sorry, Bren. Don't think I hate you or anything, just... wow. I'm a little shocked here," he adds, casting a disbelieving look at the floor.

Brendon laughs softly at Ryan's statement, smiling softly as he leans in and kisses the other and rests his forehead against Ryan's, his hands pushing the older's towel off "I want you Ry," he breathes in the older's ear, nibbling it on lightly "B-but... I... I have to tell you something," he whispers nervously, pulling back and looking Ryan in the eye. He then leads him back into the back lounge and smiling as Jon takes the hint and leaves.

Ryan flashes an apologetic smile at Jon, hoping he can hear the, 'This was NOT my idea,' that goes with it. "Uhm, Brendon, look. You're good looking and all, but I don't know... I'm not really that into guys...," he tries, a little uncomfortable being naked in the back lounge alone with Brendon. "But if you really want to..." Ryan shrugs, floundering a little.

Brendon sighs nervously, smiling softly "Oh if only you knew," he whispered to himself before he takes Ryan's hand softly and shyly, pressing it to his crotch and Brendon's blushing madly. "What do you feel?" he asks Ryan, hoping the other would be able to realize Brendon didn't have a dick. Brendon lets out a shaky breath. He had NEVER let anyone touch his crotch for fear of someone discovering what he was. Half of him wants to shove Ryan away and curl up in his bunk and cry, the other half justed wanted Ryan to accept him and love him.

Now Ryan is REALLY confused because he's sure there's supposed to be the fleshy bulge of a dick under his hand, but there isn't. He was sure that Brendon was a boy, the kid's chest was flat as a wall for chrissakes, but Ryan was definitely not finding a dick where one should have been. "There's nothing... dude, what the fuck happened to your dick?" Ryan asks, bewildered, pulling his hand away. His head is reeling with it all; he may have to just sit down if this gets any weirder.

Brendon looks down and his face is flaming red and he's trying not to cry with all his might. "I never had one, Ry," he whispers, hugging himself as he feels a few tears run down his cheeks, the younger sniffling. "My birth name is Brenda Grace Urie..." he says, arms hugging tighter around himself. "It... It just felt... Wrong, being classified as a girl," he says as he looks up at Ryan, finding Ryan's eyes.

Suddenly everything makes sense; the Disney movies, the tight clothes, the way Ryan was sort of attracted to Brendon. Pulling him - her? - into a hug, he holds on tight and could really care less that he's naked right now. "God, Brendon don't cry, don't cry," he mutters against the other's temple, rubbing the heel of his hand across Brendon's back in soothing circles. "I'm so sorry I'm so dense, Bren, really, if I had known..." Ryan sighed, pressing his nose into Brendon's hair. "Please, don't cry."

Brendon nuzzled into Ryan happily, arms going around the other and holding onto him tightly, as if Ryan were his lifeline. "I love you, Ry... I love you so, so much," he whispers as he kisses Ryan, holding onto him tightly and sighing in relief as he leans into Ryan. Brendon pulls away slightly, looking up at Ryan. "I... I want you," he whispers, hands going to his pants, the only thing he's wearing, and undoing the button and fly and sliding them off to reveal the light purple lacy undies he was wearing, the younger blushing slightly. That was really the only girly thing he still had, well that and a vibrator or two.

Ryan swallows thickly and tries not to stare, but really, he can't help it; he is a boy after all. However, he has one last question before anything happens. "What... what happened to your...?" he asks vaguely, tracing the line of Brendon's pectoral muscle and forcing his eyes back up to the Brendon's. "I mean... there's no scars or anything, how did you...?"

Brendon smiles shyly "I was a ballet dancer... I danced every day for hours," he said fondly. "They just kinda never developed." Brendon shrugs slightly before leaning in and kissing Ryan, a hand traveling to the older's crotch. fingers curling around Ryan's dick. Brendon lets out a soft sighing moan and he shivers slightly. "Be nice?" he asks gently, nibbling on his own lip. "I.... I'm... I've never..." he sighs, leaning his head on Ryan's shoulder. "I've never had sex... Before."

Ryan could feel his dick twitch to life in Brendon's hand, pressing a kiss to Brendon's cheek. "We'll take it slow, B. Don't worry, okay?" he whispered, angling his head for an open-mouthed kiss and running his fingers through the short hairs at the back of Brendon's neck.

Brendon twitches slightly, moaning softly as he slides his hand up and down Ryan's cock "God you feel so warm and amazing in my hand..." He said softly, kissing Ryan again. "So much better then a vibrator," He said with a laugh, cheeks tinting pink at his words. He then looks down as his panties, noticing the crotch was getting wet and he blushed slightly before slowly sliding them off and blushing madly, he had never been fully naked in front of anyone. Brendon fidgets slightly. He's perfectly groomed down there but he's still nervous.

Chuckling a little at the vibrator comment, Ryan looks down at Brendon's body before trailing his hands down the other's sides, tracing his hipbones down. "You're beautiful, Brendon," Ryan mutters, pausing on a breath as his cock hardens under Brendon's ministrations. Trailing one finger down from Brendon's navel, Ryan slides it over Brendon's clit before dragging it back to where he was already slick and wet. "You couldn't be any more beautiful."

Brendon gasped, grasping onto Ryan's shoulder with his free hand, eyes shutting as the other's fingers trailed over his pleasure center, the boy biting his lip hard as he let out a rough breath. "W-wow..." he mumbled, looking up at Ryan, the singer's eyes dark and clouded. "Oh god that feels five million times better when you touch me," he praises, kissing Ryan hard. "Bunk or couch?" he asks, giving his cock a careful but sharp tug, hoping Ryan liked it. He presses himself to Ryan, his hands running up and down Ryan's chest and stomach.

"There's more room out here," Ryan exhaled, carefully walking Brendon backwards until the backs of his knees hit the couch. "Besides, those bunks aren't made for two people anyway," he adds, gently pushing Brendon down onto the couch and kneeling between his thighs. Pressing a kiss to the boy's sternum, Ryan began to slowly trail down to his stomach. "Want me to make you feel really good?" he asks then, one eyebrow arched suggestively and a devious smirk on his lips.

Brendon widens his eyes at Ryan, nodding. He runs a hand through Ryan's hair. "Yess... God Ry make me feel amazing," he begs, kissing Ryan again, keeping him there as he opens his mouth. He smiles into the kiss slightly as he feels Ryan's tongue against his, tasting red bull in his mouth and Brendon pulls away, blinking at Ryan and pouting. "You drank my red bull!" he tells Ryan with his adorable pout be he presses his lips back to Ryan's

Ryan pulls away with a laugh before leaning back in for another kiss, still smiling. "I'll buy you another one when we hit a rest stop," he mutters against Brendon's chest as he begins to move back down again, pushing Brendon onto his back before getting up on the couch to settle between his legs. "But first," he breathes over the boy's lower stomach, pressing a kiss dangerously low. "First, I make you feel amazing," he whispers, trailing his tongue down to Brendon's clit, licking a broad stripe across it.

Brendon's who body twitches in appreciation and the boy lets out a moan, nodding and letting his chocolate eyes flutter shut as his hands find Ryan's hair. "Mmm," he purrs happily, nibbling on his lip. "H-hey, there's a bottle of lube in my bunk, Ry," he mumbles softly, wondering if the other had any on him since he broke up with Keltie. Brendon always had some lurking in his bunk.

"Hnnh," Ryan mutters in acknowledgement, licking all the way from Brendon's opening up to his clit, sucking on it very lightly. Sitting up, he holds up a single finger, the 'one moment' signal, before ducking into the bunk area and quickly returning with a bottle of lube. Kneeling between Brendon's legs again, Ryan presses soft kisses to his stomach. "Do you want me now?" he asks, nuzzling against the younger boy's ribs.

Brendon nods, brown eyes hungry as he looks up at Ryan, licking his lips "I want you so bad Ry, please. I need you, just be gentle," he asks, knowing it was going to hurt even through he's fucked himself with vibrators before. Brendon bit his lips before he pulled Ryan down to him, kissing him softly as the boy relaxed his body. "Make love to me, Ry," he whispers against the other's lips, chocolate eyes watching Ryan hungrily.

Ryan nods slowly before opening the bottle of lube and pouring some out into his hand, not too little and not so much that everything just slid around everywhere. Coating his cock with the lube, Ryan pressed a kiss to Brendon's nose before lining up, the head of his cock brushing against his opening. "Just relax, alright?" he advises, wiping his hand off on the edge of the couch before sliding his hands up Brendon's sides. "Don't think about it hurting, that just makes it worse," he adds as he slowly presses forward, the head of his cock slipping inside.

Brendon nods, but he can't help but tense and gasp, nibbling on his lip before he pulls Ryan into another kiss to distract himself as Ryan slides in. "Mmmm... Ry... Ry you're so big," he gasps, fingers wrapping around Ryan's upper arms as the older slides in. It hurts but Brendon forces himself to relax, pulling Ryan to him and letting himself melt into the other, his breathing quickening as he lets one hand move south and rub at his clit gently, Brendon letting out a rough moan.

Ryan grins at the compliment, but doesn't reply. "You okay?" he wonders honestly, mouthing Brendon's neck absently. He was so fucking tight, tighter than any other girl Ryan had been with, and he really just wanted to pound into Brendon like a mad man, but he knew that wouldn't go over well unless the other said it was okay. Which he doubted, but whatever, slow sex was fine too.

Brendon nodded. As he relaxed and rubbed at his clit. Brendon's body was starting to tingle with pleasure again. "Fuck me Ryan, fuck me hard," he whispers hungrily. He looks up at Ryan, his deep brown eyes hungry and predatory as he looked at Ryan, kissing him hard as he rocks his hips into Ryan, his free hand traveling up and down Ryan's chest. "God you feel so good, Ry," he growls, nibbling on Ryan's ear gently

Groaning a little, Ryan pulled out and gave an experimental thrust. "A-are you sure?" God, he fucking wanted but he knew that Brendon was new to this and didn't want him to just order Ryan around on a whim and hurt himself. He gave another small thrust, reveling in the wet heat.

Brendon arched his back and nodded "Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaase," he begged desperately, looking up at Ryan with needy eyes, rocking his hips back hard, scratching his nails up and down Ryan's chest a few times before taking one of Ryan's hands and guiding his fingers to his clit, moaning happily

"Fuck...," Ryan breathed, grabbing Brendon's leg with his free hand and setting a quick pace, finding a counter rhythm with his thumb against Brendon's clit. "Fuck, Brendon, you feel so good..."

Brendon nods, arching and rocking into Ryan hard, loving everything he was feeling "God! Fuck! Yes, Ry!" he moans happily, kissing him hard. Brendon's body was soon twitching and rocking against Ryan's body on it's own account. Brendon could feel himself getting closer every minuet with Ryan's actions and Brendon whimpers, breathing roughly "R-Ryan..." He moans in warning, nibbling on Ryan's shoulder to quiet himself.

Ryan slows a little, pressing in deeper with his thrusts. "Can you come more than once?" he asks, his voice barely shaking at all. He moves his thumb in slow circles over Brendon's clit, barely any pressure at all, just teasing more than anything.

Brendon nods "Y-yeah..." he breathes, nibbling on Ryan's shoulder. "B-but I need time in between... M-my clit gets over sensitive," He mumbles, starting to regain thinking ability as Ryan slows. "And I, like, thrash involuntarily." Brendon's arms are then around Ryan's neck, pulling him close and kissing him slow and deep, letting Ryan feel the love behind his actions, hands traveling down Ryan's back and cupping his ass slightly before moving back up.

Ryan hums into the kiss contentedly, lips curling into a small smile. Trailing his free hand up Brendon's side, Ryan dragged his fingers back down, scratching lightly, before gripping Brendon's hip again. Slowly building back up to his former pace, Ryan somehow kept the slower rhythm with his thumb on Brendon's clit; it was probably the musician in him.

Brendon kissed Ryan back hard, smiling happily as his hands found the back of Ryan's head, pulling the guitarist's hair slightly "Ry," he breathed softly into the older's mouth, hands moving all over the other's body, memorizing each and every curve and dip of Ryan's body "Harder, Ry, please?" he moans softly, kissing down Ryan's neck and nibbling slightly at the crook of Ryan's neck, arching his body into the guitarist's rather fiercely.

Shifting his weight slightly, Ryan set the roughest rhythm yet, the hand on Brendon's clit speeding up to match it. Slowing down had given him time to get closer, and he was breathing harder now. "Bren... Bren, when you come... fuck... claw my back? Please...," he muttered, letting out a groan at the way Brendon mouthed at his neck.

Brendon opened his eyes, finding Ryan's hazel ones before nodding, pressing himself up against Ryan as much as he could, his hands moving to Ryan's back and his fingers tips trailing lightly up and down the skin before Brendon sank his nails in as he moaned, scratching the hell out of Ryan's back and the younger could swear he felt some blood, but Brendon ignored it and continued scratching as he tightened around Ryan and bite the older's shoulder, letting out a muffled moan of his name and other curses.

Ryan could feel his skin break as Brendon dug his nails into his back and he moaned helplessly, moving both hands to grab the younger boy's hips as he slammed in a couple more times, coming hard with a stuttered gasp. Rocking his hips through the aftershocks, he tried to keep his weight off of Brendon with a bit of difficulty, his arms shaking as he pressed soft kisses to the other's neck.

Brendon sighed happily, making room for Ryan to lay next to him, hands cupping the older's face "Don't tell Spencer... About me?" he asked softly, brown eyes slightly begging. He had only told Jon because the other had walked in on him in the bathroom. Brendon was very secretive about what he was. He had told one of his friends before he had met Brent and that friend had treated him like he was mentally retarded and he had just become protective of his secret because of that.

Ryan blinked slowly, bringing a hand up to trace Brendon's jawline with his index finger. "I won't say anything to anyone unless you say it's okay. I don't think he'd mind, though, Bren," he added, pressing their noses together. "I mean, we're friends with him for a reason; we all have similar ways of thinking, otherwise we'd never be able to get along the way we do."

Brendon smiles softly at Ryan and nods, sighing softly. "I just... I don't like people knowing," he says, fingers tracing lightly over Ryan's chest as Brendon leans in and kisses the other, nuzzling into him. "I love you. I'm glad you're not with Keltie anymore, she was a bitch," he says, his distaste for the blond showing in his voice. Brendon then sits up, deciding he should get dressed in at least his undies and pants again in case Spencer were to walk in

Laughing, Ryan stretches out on the couch, not even really caring that he was naked and sticky with lube and cum. "Yeah, sometimes I kind of wonder what I was thinking when I got into that." He didn't say anything about the love comment; as much as he loved Brendon in a friendly way, Ryan couldn't really say it the way Brendon had and mean it. But if that's what Brendon wanted, he would try; he could fall in love with Brendon if he wanted to.

Brendon stood, pulling his undies back on and then his jeans, making a face. "God I'm gonna be soooo sore later. And we have a show tonight," he groaned, pouting even more as he lay back down with Ryan, placing his head on Ryan's chest and jumping slightly as Spencer wandered in, Brendon blushing and hiding his face in Ryan's chest. 'Way to go, Urie. Soooo not girly,' he thought to himself. He lets his hands splay over Ryan's chest and he smiled softly.

Spencer widened his eyes at his two friends, jaw dropping. "Since when are you gay, Ross?" he asks, a small smirk on his lips. He had a suspicion Brendon had a thing for Ryan. "Who bottomed?" he asked, smirking even more as he eyed Ryan, wondering if his best friend had the balls to bottom.

Ryan glared at Spencer, but after knowing him for so long he wasn't embarrassed by it. "Brendon bottomed," Ryan replied, rolling his eyes. "And I'm not gay, you know that, asshole."

Spencer snickered "Then why would you be fucking the ever flamboyant Brendon Urie?" he asked as he leaned against the doorframe, his smirk growing. "You sure you're not gay, Ryan?" Spencer teased, looking down at Brendon. "I swear Brendon, you must have been spawned from puppies or something. You're so cute it's fucking sickening sometimes."

Brendon glances up at Spencer and glares, flipping him off before hiding his face back in Ryan's chest, kissing his skin lightly.

"I'm not gay," Ryan deadpanned, absently stroking the hair at the back of Brendon's head. "I like pussy, 'kay thanks. Dick does NOT turn me on in the slightest."

Spencer rolled his eyes "Then why did you fuck Brendon?" he asks, still slightly amused.

Brendon can see where this is going and he glances up at Ryan. "Ry?" he asks in a soft whisper, biting his lip. He doubts Ryan heard it but he knew Spencer was going to find out right now, no matter what happened and Brendon just hid his face more in Ryan's chest.

Ryan opens his mouth to retort bitingly before he freezes, immediately seeing what had just happened. Fuck, he was such an idiot. "Ahh, shit...," he mutters, trying to quickly think his way out of the hole he dug himself and Brendon into, wondering if he should just tell the truth or make a fast excuse. "We're really high right now," he finally replies, sounding rather unconvincing. "Didn't even realize we were fucking until about halfway through."

Spencer raises an eyebrow "Ryan you are a very bad liar," he says with a smirk. "You're more gigglely than a girl when you're high." Spencer laughs as he moves forward and plops down on the couch next to the one Brendon and Ryan are on. "So tell me the truth, Ry. Please?" he asked with a pout that was obviously him trying to copy Brendon.

Brendon sighs softly, huffing unhappily. "J-... Just tell him," Brendon mumbles unhappily. "You're right it won't matter if Spencer knows too." Although Brendon doesn't agree with what he just said he'll let Ryan say it.

Ryan glances down at Brendon, his face pressed to his chest, running his fingers through his soft brown hair. "Brendon was born a girl," he admits quietly, not looking up at Spencer. As much as he figured Spencer wouldn't really care, he could feel how upset Brendon was about the whole thing and it was making him a little anxious.

Spencer raises an eyebrow "Really?" he asks curiously. "Why'ld you wanna be a guy?" He asks, leaning forward toward his friends.

Brendon sighs, whining at Spencer's questions. "I wanted to be a boy because I didn't feel right in a girl's skin..." he says, sitting up so he was perched on the couch between Ryan's legs, fingers moving over the other's body. "I was a dancer and my boobs just never developed so I decided I could be a boy. Then I met Brent and then you guys," he says with a small smile.


ryden, ryan ross, brendon urie, nc-17, one-shot

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