Starry Nights, City Lights [s/a]

Dec 21, 2009 15:23

Title: Starry Nights, City Lights [s/a]
Rating: Surprisingly PG-13
Warning: None
Pairing: Rywalk [Ryan/Jon]
POV: 3rd
Summary: Jon shows Ryan his Christmas time wonderland.
Word Count: 1343
Disclaimer: I'm a vegetarian alligator.
Beta: Just me. I read over this like a million times though.
Authors Notes: For stonersinlove 's xmas challenge! My first Rywalk too! Also I thought it would be VERY appropriate posting this on the day of the winter solstice.

Ryan had been in love with Jon since the day the man had first appeared in the younger boy's life. Ryan had been running around, panicking wildly. Brent was missing, his phone was off, and they were due on stage in under thirty minutes. That was when Jon walked up to him, saying he was a fast learner and skilled on bass. Ryan had quickly dragged the older off, shoving him into Brendon, the singer teaching Jon the bass parts with ease.

They had been dating now for seven months. Jon had been there for Ryan when his dad had died, had been there as the shoulder Ryan could cry on, the one Ryan came to for advise.

Now it was December and Christmas was closing fast. Jon's family had requested that he come home for the holidays. When Ryan heard this news he started moping around the house, denying Jon cuddling, sex, and everything. It worried the older and he was trying to figure out what was wrong with the guitarist when it finally dawned on him one day.

Jon smiled as he walked into their bedroom, Ryan tucked under his covers and wishing to be asleep. “Hey Ry,” the older called softly, walking over to the bed and sitting on it gingerly, a hand coming up to rub Ryan's back only to have the younger yank his body away from the touch.

Jon sighs and bows his head, hands in his lap as he thinks over the best way to go about this and deciding that for Ryan, direct would be best. “Ryan I know you don't want me to leave you alone for Christmas,” Jon says softly, trying to lay a hand on Ryan's back again and this time the guitarist permits it, the bassist sighing thankfully.

Ryan peeks his blacked-lined hazel eyes out from under the covers to look at Jon, tears running down his cheeks. “Jon I'll be all alone. I don't want to be left alone, please don't go,” he begs his lover like a small child and Jon feels like his heart is breaking at the idea of leaving Ryan and Hobo behind when he and Dylan go 'home'.

Jon sighs and rubs Ryan's back as an idea dawns on him and he smacks himself for not thinking of it earlier. “Come with me?” he asks Ryan who still looks like a lost and hurt puppy. Jon could never leave him alone now. He'ld have to tell his parents no if Ryan didn't want to come home with him.

Ryan's face brightens slightly at this. “To Chicago? And meet your family?” he asks in a whisper and when Jon nods the guitarist grins and hugs him tightly, burying his face in Jon soft t-shirt.

Jon smiles down at the younger boy, petting his hair and holding him tightly as Ryan's tiny and delicate frame shakes with sobs that Jon isn't exactly sure if they're happy or just plain thankful.


Ryan hates flying.

So much, but Jon didn't know this when he booked them a flight. Ryan always flew first class when he did because he got airsick easily, but Jon didn't know this and Ryan got stuck in the middle, Jon to his left and some chick to his right.

Jon had his arms around the younger, cradling him the best he could as Ryan puked his guts out into the air-sickness bags, Jon petting the younger boy's hair the whole time and shushing him gently.

Jon made a mental note to take the train home to Vegas.

He then made another mental note to check with Ryan first before he got any tickets. Knowing his lover, Ryan would get train sick. Jon mentally laughed at this, knowing if he ever verbalized this to the younger that more than likely he wouldn't be getting any sex for a long time.


When they get their Jon hails a cab for them, but Ryan shakes his head. It's not that far. They could walk. It is far though, 30 miles to be exact. Ryan figures they'll get on the L later. He wants to see downtown. Once they're out of the airport and it's bullshit Ryan's breath is stolen as he looks around him.

None of the trees have any leaves on them, but in their place are lights. Every tree as far as Ryan can see has lights and it's just so beautiful.

“Oh... Jon,” he mumbles out, clutching the older boy's arm as he feels faint just from how amazing the city is.

Jon can't help but chuckle at Ryan's reaction, pulling him into his arms and holding him there a few minutes before kissing him, slow and deep. “How about we take our stuff home and then come back to look at the lights?” he offers softly to Ryan who is still transfixed on the scene of a Christmas wonderland.

Ryan slowly nods and Jon smiles approvingly, hailing another cab, the driver helping the two boys load their suitcases into the trunk. Jon and Ryan then climb into the back, the older holding the guitarist in his arms and kissing him innocently as they ride in the back of the cab.


Ryan and Jon are just aimlessly walking the streets of Chicago near where Jon lives. It's Christmas eve. Both boys have a coffee in the hand not occupied by the other's hand. They walk past a station for the 'L', one train thundering by above them and making Ryan whimper and walk closer to Jon.

Jon smiles at Ryan, laughing softly and earning a punch in the shoulder from him. Jon just rolls his eyes at the younger but smiles as the get to Lincoln Park. All the trees in the park are covered in lights and Jon can tell from the look in Ryan's hazel eyes that he's mesmerized.

When they get to a tree with lights to fashion it into a Christmas tree Jon grins as he sets his coffee down before pulling something out of his pocket. Ryan is giving him a questioning look until Jon carefully sinks to the ground on one knee. Ryan gasps and drops his coffee and even before the proposal Jon spent hours rehearsing in front of a mirror gets past his lips Ryan is tackling him and they're both falling over backwards into a pile of snow.

Ryan shivered and not just from the cold as he kissed Jon, arms around the older's neck. “Yes Jon! Oh god yes!” he whispers out, tears running down his cheeks and this is the first time Jon is happy to see Ryan crying.

Jon smiles as he pushes Ryan up, brushing snow off of both of them before slipping the simple and yet intricate white gold with a 1 kart diamond inset on the band onto Ryan's finger. Jon knew Ryan wouldn't really want anything more than a silver band but Jon had to give him an engagement ring with a diamond. It was tradition. “Okay I get to say my whole monologue thing cause I spent hours rehearsing it for you,” Ryan blushes and nods, snuggling in Jon's arms happily, watching the older. “Ryan Ross, I've been head over heels ever since I met you, from the lyrics you write to just the way you speak I couldn't get enough. I love you with all my heart and I want you to be mine, will you marry me?”

Ryan grinned and kissed the bassist again, faces millimeters away as he mumbles softly. “Of course, Jon. Can we just stay in Las Vegas for winter? I'm freezing!” he teased, kissing Jon again.

Jon just rolled his eyes at his now fiancé. “How bout we go home and climb in bed with Dylan and Hobo. Just cuddle and watch something Disney until we fall asleep?” Ryan hummed in acceptation of Jon's plan, the older hailing a cab so they wouldn't have to walk home.

rywalk, ryan ross, pg-13, jon walker, one-shot

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