Rush, I need to warm rush. Then I'll know I'm alive.

Jun 08, 2009 23:29

Life has been quite interesting for me lately. I just performed in my first Rennaissance/Fantasy Faire. It was quite fun. I got to dress up as a pirate and try to convince children to throw rats through windows. Heh. I got a few people who took pictures of me and my rats. It was quite tiring. I was essentially a dog who played fetch with rats for little kids. Some of them were sweet though, they picked up the rats for me after they were done playing. My voice is rough now because I had to talk gravelly all weekend. The pirates amused themselves though. One kept getting my rats drunk with a flask. We fought with plastic cutlasses and the captain kept shooting crew mates. A few kids were scared of us, but for the most part we were friendly pirates who the kids liked. I even got to meet the kids of quite a few people who I roleplay with on a regular basis. It was quite differant to see them out of character a bit, but it was nice.

The weekend was a reminder that 20 something year olds really are children though. I am younger than most of them, and yet I am the one who has to take care of their drunk asses when they start stumbling around the hotel room and attracting attention of cops. I mean sometimes their drunken antics were funny. There was one guy who is well renown for being a funny drunk. One of my friends went across the hall to his room. Here is the exchange.
"Hey is Lee drunk yet?"
"I don't know. He's had a few drinks, but he's fine. He's just in the bathroom."
Then suddenly the bathroom door kicks open. There is Lee with a towel wrapped around his head. "I am the Great prophet Mohammed." he proclaims loudly, "All must worship me. Umbaba Umbaba Umbaba." He said while bowing.
But having to be one of three people cleaning up vomit at 2 o'clock in the morning in the dead dark and making sure they didn't die it was a pain the ass. There was even one guy who used to be in the army who had to put one drunk in a sleeper hold to knock him out because he wouldn't stop drinking and was getting belligerent. I felt so bad for him. He has a pained leg and he spent all his time walking people back and forth. He was knocked out for most of the day.

Overall it was a lot of fun though. I have a lot of new stories and got to know people out of their characters. The fact that I usually play stabbing rouges seems to have earned me a reputation though. As one girl said to me "You know too much. You always play shady characters, so perhaps you are really shady." Heh. At the end I was so tired that I forgot to take off my pirate shirt and vest. So I walked right into McDonalds, where we went to eat dinner after, and turned to one friend and went "I'm still wearing my costume, aren't I?"
I didn't mind the stares though. Besides it's nothing compared to the things coming out of my mouth.

performance., larp, fantasy

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