Maidan protesters never fired at other maidan protesters how this is misrepresented by Katchanovski

Mar 19, 2022 14:59

Ivan Katchanovski states that maidan protesters had weapons and fired from maidan controlled locations. Indeed, it could be seen on few videos that some maidan protesters had some weapons and fired from maidan controlled locations at the government police and security forces including Berkut police. Maidan protesters never deny that they had some weapons and fired from maidan controlled locations at the government police and security forces including Berkut police. However, maidan protesters never fired at other maidan protesters how this is misrepresented by Ivan Katchanovski in his "research". Ivan Katchanovski by means of dishonesty and manipulations uses this fact of maidan protester shootings from maidan controlled locations at the government police and security forces including Berkut police as though maidan protesters fired at the back of other maidan protesters. Ivan Katchanovski does not provide solid evidences on shootings maidan protesters by other maidan protesters or mysterious "maidan snipers" employed by the maidan leadership. But there are a lot of solid evidences that many maidan protesters were murdered by the government police and security forces including Berkut police. Bullets were extracted from bodies of maidan protesters, and forensic examinations prove that these bullets were fired by the government police and security force automatic rifles ( ). Many videos demonstrate shootings at maidan protesters by the government police ( ). The Ivan Katchanovski's "research" carefully avoids these evidences on shootings of maidan protesters from the government police and security forces including Berkut police. Ivan Katchanovski on purpose ignores and omits the information about shootings of maidan protesters by the government police and security forces including Berkut police in his papers.

Ivan Katchanovski asserts that many maidan protesters were shot at their backs and from top directions when they were facing the Berkut police concrete barricade, and, according to Ivan Katchanovski, all these indicate shootings at maidan protesters from Maidan controlled buildings by "maidan snipers". However, during maidan massacre many maidan protesters were moving and turning theirs bodies. They did not assume fixed body positions when they were shot. By this way, it could be explained why they were shot at their back from government controlled locations. Also, to hide themselves from bullets, many maidan protesters took inclined body positions; they were crouching down during Maidan massacre. Maidan protesters were leaning or turning away from vertical body position at the moments when they were shot. By this way, it could be explained directions of their wounds from top directions. Ivan Katchanovski does not provide videos or photos of body positions of murdered and wounded maidan protesters at the moments when they were shot in absolute majority of shootings of maidan protesters.

Author:  Igor Romanenko

(To be continued)

Further updates on Ivan Katchanovski's falsifications:

Author:  Igor Romanenko
Ivan Katchanovski is a falsifier of the Maidan massacre and contemporary history of Ukraine:

maidan, фальсифікації, euromaidan, ukraine, Майдан, Іван Качановський, welcome, maidan massacre, “Snipers’ Massacre” on the Maidan, Євромайдан, livejournal, falsifications, ivan katchanovski falsifier, Революція Гідності, ivan katchanovski

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