Ivan Katchanovski on the page 23 of his publication named "The Russia-Ukraine War and the Maidan in Ukraine" falsely states that the parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from the position of the president of Ukraine:
“The parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from the position of the president of Ukraine. But the decision violated the Ukrainian constitution and the vote lacked constitutional majority and many deputies from the Yanukovych Party of Regions and the Communist Party voted under threat of violence, in particular, by the far right”
https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/i_katchanovski/75875004/697/697_1000.jpg https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4246203 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364319745_The_Russia-Ukraine_War_and_the_Maidan_in_Ukraine Actually, the parliament of Ukraine voted for the resolution оn the self-removal of the President of Ukraine from the exercise of constitutional powers and appointment of the extraordinary election of the President of Ukraine. By this resolution, the parliament of Ukraine stated the fact of the Yanukovych self-removal from the position of the Ukrainian president.
https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/757-18#Text There is the archived copy of the translated resolution of the Ukrainian parliament by Google:
https://archive.ph/sXTOf Viktor Yanukovych was preparing to flee Ukraine by February 19, 2014 year, one day before Maidan massacre on February 20, 2014:
https://archive.ph/wip/RiFY2 This resolution does not violate the Ukrainian constitution since there is no a provision in the constitution of Ukraine or any Ukrainian law in the event when the president of Ukraine abandons the office of the president:
"If a Ukrainian president dies or is incapacitated, there is provision in the constitution for the parliamentary chairman to become “acting president” until new elections are held. There is, however, no constitutional provision for what action should be taken if the president abandons his job!"
https://newpathway.ca/the-study-of-ukrainian-nationalism-at-the-university-of-ottawa/ https://archive.ph/wip/3EmQD "It is clear that the escape of the President of Ukraine from Kyiv and his leaving his post at a critical time led to the delegitimization of the power of the head of the Ukrainian state. At the same time, these same actions forced the Ukrainian parliament to resort to the analogy of law. After all, the Basic Law ( constitution ) did not offer any legal solution in the event of the President's escape or other spontaneous abandonment of his post. "
https://archive.ph/NLYnB328 deputies from the total of 334 available deputies during this session of the Ukrainian parliament voted for the resolution. 6 deputies did not participate to vote. No one voted against or refrained to vote for this resolution. The Ukrainian parliament numbers 450 deputies.
https://newpathway.ca/the-study-of-ukrainian-nationalism-at-the-university-of-ottawa/ https://archive.ph/wip/3EmQD https://web.archive.org/web/20140312210622/http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/radan_gs09/ns_golos?g_id=3863 https://web.archive.org/web/20220216082706/https://khpg.org/1396610063 The constitution of Ukraine or any Ukrainian law does not require the constitutional majority to vote for this resolution.
Other experts also consider that the ousting of Viktor Yanukovych was legal:
"The Ousting of Yanukovych was Legal. By Alexander Pronkiewicz, a lawyer and managing partner of Pronkiewicz Law Firm, and Oleh Krykavskiy, a lawyer in Kyiv"
https://euromaidanpress.com/2014/03/15/the-ousting-of-yanukovych-was-legal/"Maria Popova. Associate Professor, Department of Political Science Affiliation McGill University, Montreal. Was Yanukovych’s Removal Constitutional?"
https://www.ponarseurasia.org/was-yanukovych-s-removal-constitutional/ ( To be continued )
Igor Romanenko