A Bit More About The Fire

Dec 21, 2004 23:26

About the fire post. I'm not sure if it's because every major work project at the house has been a nightmare and that has just worn me down, or because I'm just warped, but I wrote about the fire because I found the whole thing hilarious. That doesn't seem to have come through properly. Oh well. I laughed, and that is the important part I guess.

Since people seemed a little concerned I think I should clear up a few things.

First of all, the fire was very small. There was almost no damage, and what little there was extremely minor. It was caught quickly, all the smoke alarms worked and we have fire extinguishers like good little home owners. A little scary yes, but basically not that big a deal.

Second, Jorj was fine. Probably a little freaked out because of the smoke, the loud smoke alarms and the people running around, but he seems to know that no matter what's going on, running out doors is not the answer. I don't know where he was, but as soon as I got home he came out of hiding and was fine.

Third, the electrical work was being done by my father in law because he is a licensed electrician. He really does know what he's doing, it was just a fluke accident.

So there you go. House didn't burn down. I laughed my ass off. We’ve already replaced the used fire extinguisher. All is well.

house project, misc musings

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