Jun 05, 2005 17:44
i'm just curious to what 'frackin' means... is that a word??? i heard someone today at the mall say it.. and like... wouldn't it be easier to say fucking or freaking... why frackin?
wow, people are weird.
in other news...
yesterday was pretty tight.
sats were okay... :-/ think i bombed the chem...
saw lexaaaa ♥
went to my mom's place and watched dr. 90210 with her... ewwwie...
then i went home and walked to max's mom house and kinda helped a little... but not really with the garage sale she was having..
bought brand new eyeliner for two bucks... w00t w00t lol
later we all went to Star Wars... which... wasn't bad... it was frustrating tho :\
came home... mom dad and me ate... then left for rory's and hung out with some of my faaaaaavorite people...
thank god no N---... he thinks he's too pretty to talk lol
then went and hung with philip and max and we had fun... came home late... 12 20...
it's okay tho... it was worth it ♥
anyways --- found out that one of my friends who i'm sad i haven't talked to in a long time... is going to a clinic for anorexia... i love you hun and i am here for you no matter what --- if i can visit you i will!!! and i will write to you to if you want... i'm so sorry... you know i know about stuff like this so talk to me if you want
sigh... about a week til my bday and a week and 4 days til no more school
hopefully im going to san diego!!!