Have you ever noticed how ninety percent of what women say is irrelevant to everything?

Nov 18, 2007 02:17


Something more infuriating than Dennis Lennox is plaguing my campus. That's right, ladies and gentlemen (mostly ladies, I hope), more ignorant liberal bullshit.

Much to the shock and horror of most of the student body (or at least enough outspoken individuals that it seems like the majority), nooses were found hanging in a classroom. Apparently, nooses are clearly and universally accepted as a symbol of "discrimination" (which really translates as "white supremacy," since we know that only whites can be discriminatory). This is news to me. Not the nooses, that's a nonissue as far as I'm concerned, but I do find the campus outcry more than a little alarming.

Honestly, even assuming there wasn't a legitimate reason for hanging the nooses (which can be assumed since the "investigation" is still taking place despite the university already having received a confession), there are a few other conclusions which make just as much, if not more, sense to jump to:

1) Is it not possible, even probable, that these nooses were hung during some live-action game of Hangman? I ask, then, what the Students Against Discrimination have against spelling games; why are they so prejudissed [sic]?

2) I've had it suggested to me that the nooses were placed there with the intention of being interpretted as racist. The twist is that the perpetrator actually has no problem with black people, he just wanted to get Lennox off of the front page.

3) The nooses could very well be a tribute to those who were killed by noose before. For instance, the fine, innocent white men and women (a total of zero black men and women were hung in Salem at this time, but one, who confessed guilt, was allowed to live) who were hung in Salem, Massachusetts in the name of religious tolerance. Clearly, then, if the noose is a symbol for those who were killed by it, the Salem "witches" must be what the noose indicates. Oh, and pirates. Most pirates were put to death by noose. This is why the Crucifix is the symbol of killing Jews and Roman criminals. Why does S.A.D. have to be so anti-Semitic?

4) There is also the extremely unlikely possibility that the nooses were tied while a student was bored. No. Nevermind. That's just too crazy, let's get the FBI involved instead.

If Caitlin has any journalistic integrity, she'll abuse utilize her position to get the six preceding paragraphs published in CM Life.

I should never, ever receive invitations like this (apologies to those without Facebook). What. The. Flying. Fuck. How is wearing maroon and gold going to raise awareness of anything except to help to remind freshmen what our school colors are?

And, now, I leave you with a word that actually is racist: Disney.

"Loyalty to petrified opinions never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul in this world - and never will."
-Mark Twain

Why is Germany always so fucked up?
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