It's not unbiased, but it's the damned truth.

Feb 28, 2007 10:13


It's a proud day for the free world. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, farm and circus animals of all ages, truly democracy and freedom reign supreme on planet Earth.

It's not like in Egypt, say, a man was imprisoned for criticizing the President or advocating secularism. Actually, that's exactly what it's like. And to think, Egypt of all places! But wait, isn't the President of Egypt one of the two "oppressive dictators" that al-Qaeda demanded our government stopped supporting after that little mishap in New York involving, oh I dunno, a couple buildings and some airplanes or some such silly thing. I'm pretty sure he is.

Of course, it's not like anything bad ever happens from supporting oppressive dictators. If they're our allies, we've gotta back 'em up! Remember Iran in the 80s? That worked out great! There's nothing wrong with having gross double-standards regarding our allies!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go plan a preemptive retaliatory strike against an oppressive dictator in a country that we don't support so that I can spread freedom and democracy and, in short, act out my fantasy that the Cold War is still going on and that I actually have divine mandate.

Quote:"Make a difference about something other than yourselves."-Toni Morrison

Why Terrorism?:
It's not that "they" hate our freedom. Our freedom or lack thereof doesn't affect "them" one way or the other. What affects "them" is our governments policy. Period. Support of oppressive dictators. Troops in Mecca. Invading Iraq. All that jazz. Yes, that's the government, not us, but this is supposed to be a democracy, so who do you think put those douchebags in power? So who do you think "they" are going to target to get them out of power? If you're going to try doing it by voting, then do it, because I am way too busy to start a Revolution right now. Let's hurry up and get this bullshit sorted out so that we can start focusing on the really important problems (like how much cheese you can fit in your mouth at one time) rather than the really pressing ones.

Why Not Secularism?:
I'm not sure. That's a really good question, actually.

I actually wanted this entry to focus mostly on the issue of free speech, but I got distracted by the sheer stupidity of American foreign policy.
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