
Apr 29, 2006 17:40


It's easy to get caught up in the individualism of life, suggesting a subjective morality, but true individualism only exists if you never interact with anyone else. Decisions made by the average individual directly affect the lives of dozens of others and indirectly affect possibly hundreds more. Thus you have society, and with that comes societal morality which ceases to be subjective. The only morality that should even be considered for legislation is that of societal concern.

Appeals to morality and emotion should stay out of the law. If indeed there is a "right" to attempt to coerce me into following morality that is neither mine nor societal, then I certainly have a right to fight against it.

Quotes:"There are no facts, only interpretations."-Friedrich Nietzsche

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please."-Mark Twain

"Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor."-Robert Frost

Mississippi Outlaws Sex Toys by Dan Abrams (source):
There is a landmark legal battle of constitutional proportions being fought down in Mississippi. It involves fundamental rights protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments, not to mention the rights of certain small business owners to satisfy their customers. This week, another court refused to recognize Mississippians’ right to find companionship for 29.99 and so a law outlawing the sale of sex toys will stand.

“A person commits the offense of distributing unlawful sexual devices when he knowingly sells, advertises, publishes or exhibits to any person any three-dimensional device designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs or offers to do so or possesses such devices with the intent to do so.”

Well, I am glad to see that the local legislators are focusing on the most pressing issues of the day. I’ve long believed that a three-dimensional, possibly battery-operated device is far more menacing than a handgun. In Mississippi, people can buy guns at a gun show with no background check and certain weapons can be carried almost anywhere. Sure, guns and toys can bring joy and a sense of comfort to the user, but apparently the legislators concluded that a genital replica is a far greater threat to society.

This, from a state that levies only an 18-cent tax on cigarettes, 55 cents below the national average and where 62 percent of residents are overweight, making it the fattest state in the country. Yet still the public schools don’t make gym class compulsory. Mississippi’s laws would make you believe sex is the single greatest threat to public safety and well-being. After all, it’s illegal in Mississippi to have sex with someone you’re not married to or to live with someone other than your spouse.

Both can result in a $500 fine and six months in jail. And men are not permitted to be aroused in public. But at least good people are protected from the disfigurement that could result from an accidental electrical overload from a defective toy.

Georgia and Texas have passed similar bans and courts have repeatedly ruled the legislators have the power to do it. I guess the Second Amendment doesn’t say anything about the right to bear a stimulation device.

But the sex activists are not closing up shop in the South Pole just yet. They formed a lobbying group based in Florida called the National Alliance of Adult Trade Organizations or NAATO. Not, of course, to be confused with the other NATO, which is based in Brussels.

I don’t mean to pick on Mississippi. I love the state and the people, but I just don’t get why the legislators are fighting so hard for this law. We’re talking about adults here. It’s not that I really care about ensuring that these toys are ready accessible. Really. It’s just that you have to wonder, is one of these toys really a greater threat to the community than what real live people do to each other every day?

Other Current Events:
Chinese women getting bigger breasts. This is good news for everyone except non-Asian girls; the stakes have just been upped, ladies.

Primates to be given equal rights. This should make vegans happy as it is the first real countermeasure to speciesism ever legislated.

Baptist military funeral protestor on Hannity and Colmes (video). I do believe that this is the first time I've ever agreed with Sean Hannity.
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