I've been wasting so much time, walking the same street every time

Apr 25, 2009 10:26

So I am pretty sure I will be NYC-ing my life away this summer. I may have found a place...and the rent would be $750 by myself or $375 if Kaylyn joins me. She may or may not. We are still up in the air about that one. I do need to look for a good job that will give me some pocket change/ensure I can pay my rent every month. The place is sooooooo huge! Its a 3 bedroom and the 2 other roommates would be so funny and cool. I just need to talk about it with my mom...I am not sure how that will go over if I don't have Kaylyn. $750 dollars is a lot of money if a person doesn't have a set job for the summer. i know I can get one though. I JUST AM HAPPY THAT I HAVE A SERIOUS OFFER AND IT IS GREATTTT.

I think I will also be taking an acting workshop all of June. I am excited about it. I love acting and new teachers help give you something new. Whoo! He's crazy, I will probably cry a lot. HERE'S TO A JUNE FULL OF TEARSSSSS!

We have auditions next week for main stages....so everyone wish me luck!

I know for a fact that I will be in Texas from May  21st probably by noon and leaving sometime in very early June. June 1st is my target date. If you want to hang out, I suggest you tell me now, my schedule fills up PRETTY FAST.
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