Thats not to say I dont have good times, but as for my days I spend them waiting.

Apr 17, 2009 02:03

 So everyone is talking about how Texas wants to secede from the USA, and my instant thought was "Of course, Texas would." How crazy would that be? Texas being another country. I think most people that I know love the shit out of Texas and don't really want to live anywhere else. I did not discover my Texas pride until after I left. Now anytime I meet a fellow Texan in NYC my response is always the same "Whoo! Texas!" And if they are young I add a "Fuck yeah!" Sick. I also think its funny because people ask me where Im from all the time and my response is always a laugh and then
"'s deeeeeeep south."
"Oh, like Houston?"
"Nope. Further down."
"Oh, like Corpus?" 
"Nope. Like 2 and half hours south of that."
"Damn. That's like right by Mexico."
Never fails. Sometimes the Damn that's right by Mexico comes before the Corpus. Anytime someone know where Harlingen is I get so excited. That has only happened like twice though. CRAZY! If Texas becomes its own country that would be amazing. Then people would really have to not mess with us. Too bad that will never happen. George Bush would probably run for president of the country and win and we would all be in ruins anyway. (Well not me, but you guys would. SUCKERSSSS!)

OK, so an update on my life.

Spring break was way too fast. Antwon was up for like 8 days. We had a grand old time and all of my friends fell in love with him and how funny he is. He kind of stole the show for a few days. We did lots of New York-y things and ate a lot of shitty food. It was a great time and I am sad he went back to SA and didn't continue to live on my couch.

School is going well. This year is going to be so great when it is over. 5 weeks to go. Praise Jesus.

I have plans of subletting an apt. this summer. I am really hoping that it all works out. If not, I guess I will just head on back to ole Tejas. I am hoping things work out though.

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