Who put the glad in gladiator? Hercules!

Apr 03, 2009 10:34

So since my last update, I got RA which is good because now I can for sure stay in NYC and dont have to transfer and bad because I can be pretty lazy sometimes. I think I just have to invest in it. I know I will be a good RA, I was already gossiping with the ones I like and they were telling me all about their experiences/some of the people who work there who suck. It was funny. I ended up sitting and gossiping at the other RA session I went to as well. I think people naturally just tell me things and I love it. Even though I then turn on them and gossip about it. Its all a vicious cycle I think.

I have been a fucking BEAST lately, snapping at people and getting upset over the stupidest things. I should try to stop, but part of me is like "don't be afraid to show your ugly side" (Thanks Kevin Connell for helping me embrace that shit.)

Spring Break 2009 has finally hit Marymount Manhattan! ...2 weeks after everyone else I know. :( Midterms this week were HELL-ish. Im pretty sure that I did not do well on my voice and speech midterm. Jeff kind of gave me a weird look. When I speak, its beautiful, but when I have to try to intone or just make vowel sounds...HORRIBLE. I know I can do it, I just dont know how. So that is what this next 5 weeks is all about for me.

Antwon comes in tomorrow! Lots of plans, hopefully this rainy weather will not continue. We're going to see SNL with Zac Effron [hopefully! We're standing by for it anyway]

Im kind of angry that our spring break wasnt this week because the love of my life Seth Rogen is hosting SNL this week and I think Antwon and I would both rather see that than Zac Effron, but it will be cool none the less. I am bound and determined to spot Seth Rogen, flash him, and then never be able to show my face to him again. Just one of the many life goals of Courtney Marie MacNeil.

Time off is a wonderful thing. :-D I will take these next 9 days and be so so so so happy.
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