At lunch today, the topic of special effects came up. One of my friends mention the movie Jumanji, which came out in 1995 and said she could not believe that the monkeys were ever real.
So I started wondering whether some realistic special effects were considered realistic. My dad always said that the reason he never watched the original Star Wars was because the special effects looked so poor. He never had an interest in the movie because it looked too fake.
As movies and graphics become more advanced, the effects become closer to reality. Movies are media based on allowing the viewers to escape while in the theater. If you noticed that why movies are made in wide screen format, even when tv were in the format. The creators concentrate on making a movie good enough to bring people to the theater.
Visuals play such an important role in movies, they tell so much of the story. I think good plot lines combined with emotional music and well choose visual can be great escapism.
Old special effects work very well if it allows you to be caught up in the story that you do not notice the special effects. Also I have come to the conclusion a person does not always notice how unrealistic an effect looks until they know it can be done better.
However, I just thought I would list some movie that the effects look really silly now:
Tron (1982)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1962)
Ghost Busters (1984)
Teen-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles (any of those movies)
Please add your own in comments!!!