Their is old over-used phrase "Never judge a book by its cover." While good advice, I find the visual on the cover dictates whether I pick up the book. It is different if I am searching for a certain author or title, but if I am not, I notice it is covers that make all the difference.
A interesting or good visual will determine if I read the teaser on the back cover or start reading the first few pages. Just see what a difference it could make.
I have just found several cover for the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.
The first cover is most attractive and eye catching with the bright colors and two figures. If I was picking up this novel without knowing the author or story I would mostly like pick that one. The third cover also catches my eye because I have seen the television version of Pride and Prejudice. With the actors looking familiar I may pick this book up as well.
The second cover I would be the least likely to pick up. The sketches look old and dated, which gives me the impression it is historical. The color choices are yellowish and reminds me of age paper. I feel like it would be a book that I am bored with.
What emotions, curiosity, and whether a cover is familiar helps attract a person attention. If you notice book series tend to create their own style with the book covers. Without realizing it a book can feel familiar and continuation of something you read through the visuals.
For example, Laurell K. Hamilton's book about a vampire slayer name Anita Blake creates this impression by it covers.
While one picture features a person and the other a snake, the style for the book cover is based on other visual elements. Both covers create contrast with black and one other color. Both designs are consistent in layout. Both leave lead space above the focus of the picture where the author name is (which is the same font style). The actual title of the book is at the bottom in a box.
If you had to choose any book cover here, which one would you prefer to pick up and read?