ACK! Dialup-Up!

Dec 25, 2005 20:16

Yup. I'm updating from the Stone Age here. Or at least it feels like it after being used to a cable modem. My mom is laying down in her room. I took a little nap (my back's feeling a little better since that) and since then have been fiddling with stuff on my laptop which I picked up when I went home. Not sure what I can do for my mom. They couldn't even figure out what's wrong with her so just put her on an antibiotic. Her other sister will be back in town Wednesday and will stay here for a little bit then.

After the running around earlier, I came home to find that my uncle sent over some rigatoni for us to eat. That was nice. My mother started heating that back up while we opened gifts. I got a gift card and money to put towards getting my ipod (or should I say "ipod!", kev_bot?), a really nice jacket where you can remove the lining or even remove the sleeves to make it a vest, a couple "pajama" sets (pajama pants and a t-shirt -- one with superman logos on them!), quarters for laundry, a hat, and socks and boxer briefs I needed. The new VCR I got my mom is totally fucked tho so I'll have to take it back. First it wouldn't show any of the cable stations or allow me to set the time and date and then it started to allow me too even though I had to switche it back to English from French and things looked fine, but then it suddenly wouldn't show the TV when off, only when on until it started showing the TV when off, reset the time and date to nothing, and couldn't show TV stations when on again. Totally messed up. Surprised her by getting her a replacement tho. Think I got her a bunch of stuff she liked.

Well, I'm going to finish checking stuff online and then go watch some anime or something. Have a good holiday all and hopefully see you all online tomorrow.

health, holiday, mom

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