Video card advice

Dec 27, 2005 18:36

I need some advice from the video card/gamer guys out there. For a little while now, there's a fan that's been kinda noisy in my computer. I'm having a hard time telling if it's the video card fan or the processor fan. Lately, while I've been playing EQ2, I've been noticing a lot of lag on and off. I notice it less in CoH/CoV so I thought it might be the greaphics card since CoH/CoV is less graphics intensive than EQ2 and would be affected less. So I thought I better start pricing a new video card. I'm mainly used to running nVidia stuff so don't know how to compare the version numbers to a Radeon. Considering I can't afford to go over the deep end on the card but want to get something decent to play, does anyone have any suggestions. I currently have a GEForce 5700 FX LE with 256MB video RAM in the machine. Any card type and even purchase locations would be appreciated.

computer, eq2, coh

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