Part of the problem

Jun 08, 2005 08:51

Part of my problem yesterday seemed to be that I was overheating. Not sure where the sore throat came from but for some reason, I was finding that I was sweating less and less and the night went on no matter how hot I was. I just kept losing focus and zoning out and it made it hard to sleep too. I ended up having to go into the living room, turn on the A/C on high, and put the fan on me so it would blow cold air at me. It helped my light headedness some and made it a little easier to breathe. I noticed I was giving off a lot of heat but not sweating at all during the night and was feeling very out of it. A few hours later (after I was finally able to sleep again) I woke up and was feeling better so I went back to my room. Doing a little better this morning but still have a sore throat. :( Hope I start feeling better. If not I'll try to get in to see my doc tomorrow.

Speaking of overheating, I've noticed the fan on my laptop hasn't been coming on lately that I've noticed. I've used canned air to make sure that it was all clear there (had it get clogged with dust before) but it's all fine. The bottom of the laptop gets really warm. Not sure if this is a WinXP thing or a hardware thing. The laptop is going on 2 years old so the warranty is over. Anyone else run into this problem?

health, computer

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