And then it ended

Jun 05, 2005 23:23

Well, today was the last day of my vacation. I got a call bright and early this morning that my luggage was back and would be dropped off. I tried to get back to sleep not too effectively and dozed in and out til another call came in from the delivery guy that he couldn't find my place. He was at the circle at the opposite end of the entrance to my road. (It's a "No Exit" road.) Now, the only things on my road are a car overflow lot and my complex. How the heck could he miss it???? At least he was kinda cute -- and blonde. Well, that answered my previous question. ;)

Headed off to Pride. Saw a few people I hadn't seen in a while. Took a few pics. Got more than a little sunburned. Oops! Yes, it qas quite sunny and hot today and 3 1/2 hours out in that didn't do my arms too much good. After hanging out for a while, I hit Starbucks for a nice cold frappoccino and headed to my car, ordering a pizza on the way. Picked up the pizza on the way home and vegged out. Just needed to relax for a bit before heading back to work for another week. Had a nice chat with a friend tonight. Then worked on most of a task force with my Sunday CoH group.

Should probably get some sleep so I'll be awake tomorrow for work. Should be interesting to see what happened while I was gone. Tuesday I have to go pick up Wonder Woman season 3 and Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman season 1. MacGyver season 2 is coming out too and I'm tempted to get it while it's on sale. Circuit City usually has some nice sales on release day. Haven't gotten season 1 of that yet but it might be worth it to pick it up now while it's cheap... depending on what my bank account is going to look like after all this. (I could really use a raise at work.) Oh, yeah. I need to go find a new cap to replace the one I lost on vacation while I'm out that way Tuesday too. Wednesday may be a movie night with a friend. We'll see. Luckily, nothing planned tomorrow so I can relax when I get home. But, bedtime becons. G'Night!

dvds, vacation, pride

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