three drabbles

Oct 03, 2011 21:36

Three drabbles or ficlets, whichever is the correct term.

A/N: i should be studying rn.

Colour blind - 157 words ;; Dongwoo/Myungsoo ;; G
Dongwoo sees the world in different colours. Red, orange and yellow are seen in different shades of green, while blue as black. He remembers getting scolded in kindergarten for colouring the sky black - he doesn’t know which is black nor blue, red for the grass and a mixture of yellow and orange for the leaves in the tree - but he sees green. He knows that Myungsoo is wearing a red checkered shirt, but he chose to believe what he sees - green, mainly because he loves the colour green, and has been seeing many things as green, and the sky to him, is forever dull. He wonders what is it like, to be seeing a clear blue sky. He was sitting under a hundred year old tree, next to Myungsoo, lips in contact. And for the first time, he sees a clear blue sky, he sees red, from Myungsoo’s shirt, and ears. He wonders will this last forever.

Dear Diary - 136words ;; Hoya/Dongwoo ;; PG
‘Dear diary, something's terribly wrong with me. My heart beats faster whenever I meet eyes with Dongwoo. Why?’ Hoya scribbled in his illegible handwriting onto his diary.

‘Dear diary, Dongwoo looks hot in drag.’ Hoya quickly cancelled out the sentence and replaced it with a ‘what is wrong with me?!’ before giving a sigh and slamming the book shut.

‘Dear diary, I wish Dongwoo would stop wearing that’ Hoya heard somebody clearing his throat and turned around to see Dongwoo staring at him, eyes darting between the book and the boy on the floor.

“You know, you shouldn't have written this here openly in the living room,” Dongwoo smirked, “plus what kind of hiding place is it, in the toilet cabinet?”

Hoya’s face flushed red before darting off into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Rules are meant to be broken - 110words ;; Myungsoo/Sungyeol ;; PG
"Bu-but what if we got caught? The manager will be pissed. You know it’s against the rules," Sungyeol's fingers fidgeted in Myungsoo's tight yet comfortable grip.

"You know what Yeol-ah, rules are meant to be broken." Myungsoo gently pressed him cherry flavoured glossed lips against Sungyeol's, which tasted like strawberries, shutting the other boy up.

When Myungsoo pulled away, Sungyeol leaned back on the park bench, taking in the sight he sees, the lights that the city gives off, from that little quiet park a street away from the bustling city. He was glad that he broke the rule, because the person right next to him is now his everything.

p: dongwoo/hoya, p: dongwoo/myungsoo, !fanfic, p: myungsoo/sungyeol, #f: infinite

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