Instead of posting anything else, I'm posting this

Nov 15, 2009 21:36

Answers for the meme seakisst was kind enough to give me:

If you had to pick, what would be your top 5 tv shows of all time. ONLY FIVE.

1. BtVS - because it was my first fandom love.
2. Deadwood - the dialogue! and Joanie! and Charlie!
3. Six Feet Under - this family breaks my heart, but in the best possible way ever.
4. Dexter - because I can see some of myself in Dexter, and we'll all just pretend that's not very creepy, shall we...
5. Revolutionary Girl Utena - it's an anime, but it still counts. Utena because Utena is one fabulous piece of mindfuckery that everyone should watch at least once in their life!

If you had to recommend a novel to someone who is terminally ill, which would you choose?
Uh. Yikes. Supposing I know this person, and I consider this person a good friend... Fingersmith, maybe? I wouldn't want to lend them a book with too gloomy a subject, and I do love this novel very much, so...

Do you use lip balm/gloss/stick regularly? If so, what kind?
Nope. Never have. The only way I wet my lips is with tea or coffee.

What one symbol or photo represents you as a person?

I don't have to explain this one, do I?

What's the most recent film or movie you've seen?
I think it was Waltz with Bazir. Gorgeous animation, but not a very cheerful movie.

This made me laugh. I especially like the "their souls make his tummy happy!" bit.

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cracks me up, meme: c'est moi

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