Darkly dreaming

Nov 04, 2009 12:23

Thoughts on Dexter's second season, with a dash of Six Feet Under. Spoilers here.

Season 2 of Dexter can be summed up pretty accurately like this:

Dexter + Lila = made me go /o\. Massively. Bloody hell, was Lila annoying! Impatiently waiting 7-8 episodes to *finally* see a character's demise... not how I want to be spending my time.

Debra + Lundy = made me go /o\. Their relationship creeped me out, and not in a good way. Thing is, I would have loved to see these two in a daughter/father type of relationship, a dynamic the writers could well have expanded on, but instead they chose taking the other route they did, and all I have to say to that is: Boo, writers, boo!

Dexter + Doakes = a lot of unresolved UST. If Doakes makes some incredible fantastical comeback in the next season, I... think it'll be time for me to leave this show. I've got True Blood to provide me with undiluted crack, thanks.

I guess I'll give season 3 a try. But I sincerely doubt the series can reach the awesomeness the first season consisted of again.

Six Feet Under, on the other hand, is pure delight. Made it to first season's episode 4 - in conclusion, Keith is the best boyfriend in the world! I mean, the guy is willing to drive around looking for a missing *foot* at night for David! He's a keeper, y'all!

fandom: dexter, fandom: six feet under

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