Kaylee actually did the agility course at the dog park today! I am so incredibly proud of her. To commemorate this momentous achievement, coupled with the fact that I just instantly streamed
this movie on Netflix, I will now list all the reasons why I love my dog:
- I love that she prefers to walk on the cement curb-like edges of our gravel jogging trail.
- I love the ass groove she's created on the back rest cushion of the love seat.
- I love how intently she listens to words we say to her every day, from, "Do you want to go outside and go potty?" to, for some reason, "DrinkyShrinks!"
- I love how patiently snuggly she is on mornings when we really want to sleep in.
- I love how she almost never barks at the noises she hears outside, until someone actually knocks on the door.
- I love how social she is with other dogs and how she loves to play.
- I love how patient and trustworthy and gentle she is with kids.
- I love how spastic she is around the stray cats that hang out by one of the neighboring apartments.
- I love that she was already potty trained when we adopted her.
- I love that she doesn't understand the concept of fetch. She'll chase the ball sometimes, but she rarely ever brings it back.
- I love her fur and her markings.
- I love the way she nibbles on her toys.
- I love that House is the only thing on TV she actually pays attention to.
- I love how submissive she is at bath time.
- I love how fascinated she is by Melissa's chinchilla Abby.
- I love when she lays down with her hind legs straight back.
- I love that she can do the agility course at the dog park now!
- I love that she strategically chewed off the Velcro fasteners on her dog Snuggie. (We didn't buy it for her. It was a gift.)
- I love that the baby duck she caught one time was able to walk away unharmed.
- I love that when I say, "Don't bite" when she's playing too rough, she actually stops biting.
- I love when she sits and waits by the door for Pax to come home.
- I love how obliging she is when I turn on the Wii Fit to weigh her.
- I love that sometimes when nobody else is on the jogging trail and I let her run off her leash she never goes very far and always comes when I call her.
- I love that she panics when the sprinklers come on and at times we've actually had to pick her up and carry her so she won't get wet. Princess.
- I love her clumsiness. One time she was so excited to go outside she spun around in circles and hit her head on the door jam. Then she cried and slinked away with her tail between her legs.
- I love that she knows when she's done something wrong.
- That being said, it doesn't happen very often. I love that she no longer chews on shoes or clothes or anything else that is not one of her toys. I've only had to yell at her once so far about it.
- I love that she can be trusted alone in the family room while we're at work.
- I love how good she is in the car.
- I loved when she tried to hide on the vet table by sticking her face in the crook of my elbow.
Thirty is good for now. I'm sure I'll edit this entry as I come up with new ones.