Tonight almost everybody is eating the same meal. Isn't that cool?

Nov 25, 2010 10:18


This year I'm thankful for Pax and our wonderful marriage. I'm thankful for Kaylee, who is the perfect blend of snuggly, playful, quiet, smart and social. I'm thankful for my mom, who would love for me and Pax to move in with them to save up for babies. I'm thankful for my dad and our moderately frustrating political debates. I'm thankful for Annie, who recommended Pushing Daisies to me. I'm thankful for Melissa, who's seemed to become to become an adult overnight. I'm thankful for Ian, who puts Melissa's Balderdash answers up on his wall. I'm thankful for my grandparents and The Laughing Irish. I'm thankful for Jeff and Dale and their tandem bike. I'm thankful for Sage and his comments on my Facebook photo albums. I'm thankful that Elyse, Erin, Danielle and Alyssa have found Kyle, Victor, Eric and Kyle, respectively. I'm thankful for VUU, and that it's everything I hoped it would be. I'm thankful for Netflix on the Wii! I'm thankful for Monday game nights. I'm thankful for Randy Miller and 1013 Communications. I'm thankful for TownNews. I'm thankful for Buddy, Kaylee's boyfriend who is staying with us this week. I'm thankful for Hallie, for giving Kaylee a BFF in the apartment complex. I'm thankful for GChat. I'm thankful for Charms & Cheers on Etsy. I'm thankful for Three Sheets Treats. I'm thankful for the Heidi and Frank Show. I'm thankful for Stuff You Should Know podcasts.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


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