Life was going so well

Apr 11, 2011 09:22

I'm in tears, now.
This is just beyond anything I've ever had to suffer.
My former boss was flaky and was avoiding paying me my last paycheck. But I got it before the 2 weeks in which she had to get it to me were up. She still has no pay stubs for me, nor does she have a program to figure out payroll. She's told me she just "makes up" the numbers. And this time, I was going to let it slide because I was never going to have to deal with her again. I knew I shouldn't have. I KNEW that. But now things are worse.

She wrote me a bad check. She wrote my last paycheck on a closed account. So, now I'm negative almost two hundred dollars over what she payed me (still trying to figure that one out, but I'm pretty sure that's the, you know, bills I payed, and the overdraft fees for paying them) and will be getting more overdraft fees for every day she delays in fixing it.

Not to mention, not all those bills went through. So now I'm also delinquent in bills that I had FINALLY paid on time. Guess whose credit is going slowly down the toilet? Yeah, mine. Because of her.

Sounds like it's time for a lawyer.
I really didn't want to do this, but has she given me another option? No. She won't even answer her phone when I call or text.

This is bullshit.
This is scary.
I wish Lion were here.
I wish my mommy were here.


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