Nothing much to update

Apr 06, 2011 12:29

I'm doing well, save for the fact that my former boss has been highly elusive about my final paycheck. I promised Lion that if we don't see it by this Friday, we will seek legal council. Two weeks is an appropriate time to wait for a final paycheck, especially since I've been in the store four times since the date I should've been paid--twice by her own invitation (and she wasn't there).

I completed a virtual interview with a bank up here, yesterday, so wish me luck on that! There's a position called a "float" where I get to choose my own hours and days that I work. It's not a full-time position, but it gets paid the same and the hours are better. The only serious difference is the medical benefits (I still would get a 401(k) an all that jazz) which isn't an issue, because come November, I'll be on Lion's.

Speaking of the most amazing man I've ever known: he's started an lj! Go give him some love over at algazoon. He's not accustomed to writing, but it's really proved a good way for us to communicate about things he's not ok just coming out and talking about.

I've got to go make cookies. I'll see you all later!

cookies, work, lion comments, cooking

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